[evlatests] Rubidium drift and the WIDAR timecode PPS faults

Keith Morris kmorris at nrao.edu
Mon Apr 22 19:33:47 EDT 2013

On the upcoming Wednesday maintenance day we propose to do two things:

1. Calibrate the 5MHz crystal in the Rubidium standard in order to 
minimize its drift.  If we are unable to tune it to an acceptable drift 
rate (and by acceptable, I mean on the order of what the Maser drift 
rate was, ~10ns/day), then we will bypass the L356 entirely and 
discipline the Rubidium with the GPS tick directly.

2. Try to revert the MIB software in the L350s to version 1.00 -- if you 
recall, among the other changes I made to the MLO last week was the 
application of the newest MIB framework to the L350s.  The 60-second 
flag from the MIB to the FPGA timecode generator is implicated in the 
timecode PPS faults, so it makes sense to scrutinize the MIB software 
that changed.

Keith Morris
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
1003 Lopezville Rd.
Socorro, NM 87801
575-835-7060 (phone)
575-835-7027 (fax)

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