[evlatests] ea09 delays C-band on 15Dec2010

Steven T. Myers smyers at nrao.edu
Thu Jan 27 17:52:26 EST 2011

Some strange behavior noted in reduction of TPOL0003 data
taken on 15-Dec-2010 at C-band.

The attached printout shows the delays measured between ea09 and ea03
as a function of time (OSRO mode, 2 spectral windows, 2 pols) over the
3hrs of the run.  Delays ramp from 5.7nsec to 17.4nsec over the run!
Other antennas were stable.

I had not heard of this behavior being reported, and it was evidently
transient (not seen in Rick's flux density run).

-------------- next part --------------
SpwID = 0, Date = 2010/12/15,  CalTable = polcal_20101215_cband.rawkcal1 (K Jones), MS name = /lustre/smyers/TPOL0003/polcal_20101215_cband.rawsplit.ms
                         | Ant = ea09                  |
Time       Field      Chn|  Amp    Phs F   Amp    Phs F|
07:17:14.2 J0854+2006   0|5.697   -0.0   3.395   -0.0   
07:43:40.1 J0713+4349   0|5.713   -0.0   3.403   -0.0   
08:13:34.9 J0555+3948   0|5.717   -0.0   3.402   -0.0   
08:37:01.0 J0854+2006   0|7.661   -0.0   5.352   -0.0   
09:02:26.6 J0927+3902   0|9.615   -0.0   7.306   -0.0   
09:26:53.8 J1310+3220   0|9.608   -0.0   7.304   -0.0   
09:50:19.7 J1331+3030   0|11.544   -0.0   9.278   -0.0   
10:19:14.6 J0854+2006   0|17.432   -0.0   15.116   -0.0   
SpwID = 1, Date = 2010/12/15,  CalTable = polcal_20101215_cband.rawkcal1 (K Jones), MS name = /lustre/smyers/TPOL0003/polcal_20101215_cband.rawsplit.ms
                         | Ant = ea09                  |
Time       Field      Chn|  Amp    Phs F   Amp    Phs F|
07:17:14.2 J0854+2006   0|5.572   -0.0   5.378   -0.0   
07:43:40.1 J0713+4349   0|5.560   -0.0   5.371   -0.0   
08:13:35.2 J0555+3948   0|5.572   -0.0   5.369   -0.0   
08:37:01.0 J0854+2006   0|7.522   -0.0   7.322   -0.0   
09:02:27.1 J0927+3902   0|9.476   -0.0   9.276   -0.0   
09:26:53.7 J1310+3220   0|9.461   -0.0   9.256   -0.0   
09:50:19.7 J1331+3030   0|11.395   -0.0   11.218   -0.0   
10:19:14.6 J0854+2006   0|17.288   -0.0   17.096   -0.0   

Listed 64 antenna solutions.

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