[evlatests] Characteristics from L-band, using 30 hour run

Bryan Butler bbutler at nrao.edu
Wed Feb 2 16:14:28 EST 2011

when the script was re-initiated, there wouldn't be enough time to 
settle into a proper power reading at any of the bands (because in that 
observation we spend so little time on each source at each band).  i'm 
not surprised that the new levels were all over the place.  in fact i'd 
be more surprised if they *did* make sense.


Rick Perley wrote, On 2/2/11 14:10 PM:
> As noted in earlier reports, the script had to
> be aborted about 9 hours into the run.  Upon return (40 minutes later),
> many of the receivers at many bands changed attenuator setting,
> typically by 1 dB (about 25% in power).  This is not too surprising.
> But at L-band, the change in attenuator was often greater than at any
> other band -- often by 3dB or more!.  This is unreasonably (even
> ridiculously!) too much.  Unless one of the two settings at which the
> power was measured was at an elevation of less than 10 degrees, it's
> hard to see how the actual power of the L-band system can be so
> different.   The change inserted must be erroneous -- the total power
> also changed (so the attenuator change was not to compensate for some
> remarkable change in system temperature), and in some cases, one
> polarization changed by 3 or 4 dB, while the other polarization didn't
> change at all.

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