[evlatests] S-Band Sensitivity and Spillover

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Wed Mar 24 13:33:37 EDT 2010

    I have completed reduction of the S-band data taken last week. 

    The system temperatures, receiver temperatures, and efficiencies are 
as reported earlier. 

    The spillover function is quite interesting, and rather different 
than expected.  The 'base level' spillover is about 10K, which applies 
to elevations between 60 and 30 degrees.  Above 60 degrees, the 
spillover increases by about 2K by elevation 90.  Below 30 degrees there 
is a rapid rise in additional spillover, reaching 6 to 9 K (depending on 
frequency) by elevation 11 degrees.  Below that, the spillover is 
approximately constant!  This behavior is quite different than L-band. 

    Details will be shown tomorrow at the Test-Coord. meeting. 

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