[evlatests] Deep Imaging of 3C345

George Moellenbrock gmoellen at nrao.edu
Fri Feb 12 12:45:42 EST 2010


> Dynamic range about 350,000:1 (peak to noise in distant places).

When reporting apparent dynamic range, could you indicate whether or not 
you've BLCAL'd (and if relevant, on what timescale)?  Even better, if you 
_have_ BLCAL'd, noting the pre- and post-BLCAL apparent dynamic range 
would be very nice.  In the present case, as your measurement used 
'distant' noise, some indication dynamic range near the bright stuff 
(~order of magnitude worse?) would also be instructive.

Inasmuch as we may generally wish to improve upon the relatively blunt 
instrument that use of BLCAL (or blcal in CASA) brings to bear for 
improving dynamic range, e.g., by more careful treatment of antenna-based 
polarization or other closure violating candidates that might also be 
addressed in isolation, a clearer idea of both (a) on/near-source dynamic 
range (easy) and/or (b) the degree of obsucration BLCAL/blcal introduces 
(harder: requires two imaging runs) would be great. Such datasets as this 
might be recognized as exploitable for such consideration with these 
clues, if provided.



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