[evlatests] Ka band summary

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Tue Apr 21 12:41:15 EDT 2009

There are now ten antennas outfitted with Ka band receivers.
All but one work as I write this and there are a few small

ea15 still has a metal feed cover in place.  The evidence is
that it has a T_sys two or three times higher than any of the
other antennas and T_sys remains constant with elevation changes.

The minor problems:
ea24 has no SD signal.  Apparantly the F317 is confused and
has not turned on the noise tubes.

We have lab measurment of T_cals for all antennas but the two
newest, ea08 and ea15.  Nor are there lab measured T_cals for 
the two S band receivers.

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