[evlatests] ea08 improved, except for IF A

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Mon Apr 13 18:39:10 EDT 2009

A current summary of remaining problems.

X and C bands:  Are fine.  Delays, focus and pointing have all been set.
K band:  Ditto, but RCP seems to have a very high T_sys (about 10x BD).
          sys/cal is very low and correlation coefficient is low.

Ka band will not work until the feed cover is removed.

There is a problem with IF A that deserves more investigation.  At all
bands the correlation coefficient measured for IF A is about 15-20
percent less that the other IFs.  The IF A deformatter is running new
software and I worry that there is something wrong (or different)
compared with the old software used in the other three IFs.  Delays
were checked and the difference cannot be accounted for as a simple
delay error.

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