[evlatests] ea08 mostly working

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Wed Apr 8 09:52:59 EDT 2009

ea08 was tried yesterday and it mostly works.  C, X, K and Ka band
receivers have been installed.  Fringes were seen at C, X and K bands;
Ka band was not examined.

Delays were set at C and X band during startup and a short pointing
run has allowed a determination of preliminary pointing terms for
X band.  I suspect something is wrong with IF A DTS because the
delay needed for it is about 350 ns smaller than for the other IFs.

K band seems to have a problem with RCP.  Power levels are about
15 sdB lower than RCP and the SD signal is weak or non-existant.
It may be the receiver and not the T303 because Ka band looks normal.

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