[evlatests] new file for collimatino pointing

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Fri Oct 10 15:52:11 EDT 2008

Spurred by the need to measure Ka band collimations I have created
a new "evla-style" script to be used for collimation runs.  It is:


This file should be used in place of the pointing/baseline file
processing mechanism.  The files for single band pointing runs,
such as sysptgx.obs, have not been changed.

The file is crafted so that the first observed scan will always be
at X band regardless of the length of the slew.  Scan dwells are
set to be just long enough to catch one pointing cycle so little
time is wasted.

It is a 24 hour file which may be run anytime and does not require
any preprocessing.  However it has not been tested at 24h LST, so
any problems noted while running this file should be addressed to me.

While irrelevant today, it creates scan number intentions which might
satisfy MCAF for a while.  It most likely will not be suitable for
use with the final telcal system.

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