[evlatests] 2 subarrays in dynamic time - Same behaviour

Vivek Dhawan vdhawan at nrao.edu
Wed May 7 16:39:43 EDT 2008

VD001.A.C.D (7 May) behaved in near-identical fashion to the previous
attempt VD001.A.C.C (april 12), which used the same file except for
start day.

1. Joan Wrobel reported an error when queueing the observation,
    apprently benign.

2. The data: Sub 1 and Sub 2 had identical scans/bands.

    Sub 1 was truncated, but good till then. Sub 2 was messed up -
    and band changes were ignored.

          The scans were, in order:
          4 continuum scans, X,C,L,K
          5 line scans, L,C,X,K,C
          1 20min scan, fast switch, line, X.

subarray 1= EVLA: first 8 scans OK, 9th OK but cut short, 10th missing.

subarray 2= VLA:  1 continuum scan and 1 line scan spanned the same
                   time as subarray 1, band changes ignored. i.e.
                   2 scans instead of 9. Truncated a few seconds after
                   sub 1.

3. The operator's log said:

07May 9:09:00
Starting program VD001.

07May 9:44:09
NOTE: the file aborted at this time due to a Python exception in the
Executor. Running SYSSTART until the scheduled end time.

expected end time was 10:08


The following error was reported by the operator last time, not this

NOTE: Second VLA subarray file source end times are one hour greater
than those in the EVLA subarray file.


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