[evlatests] tests, June 12

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Tue Jun 12 19:50:51 EDT 2007

1.  I was able to verify that the sign of the fringe frequency
for VLA antennas at P (and 4) band was wrong.  This was fixed
and will be included in the next executor update.  Some data was
taken between 2258 and 2307 IAT if someone wants to look at the
result with more care than I did.

2.  I spent some time looking at flagging of VLA antennas while
doing pointing at X band to see how the ACU position alerts are
behaving.  The answer is not well.  The response is not quick
enough, especially on the side of lifting the alert.  Two of the
measurements were erroneously flagged in every pointing trial
I examined.  EVLA antennas were perfectly fine.  Not all moves
were flagged, but when a move was flaggged it did not extend to
the next, good record.

I don't know how to reconcile this with the good pointing result
from last week.  I believe that Barry had things arranged to
automatically turn on ACU alertsd at that time, so the only
conclusion is that flagging is less sensitive at C band than
X band.  We need to fix this or defeat it by Wednesday night
if we expect to have a usefuk Modcomp free pointing run.

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