[evlatests] Modcomp-Free -- continuum tests

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Fri Jun 8 12:27:19 EDT 2007

    A short note reporting results from the other bands

    Fringes were seen on all antennas with working receivers, at all 
bands (except P-band, where I stupidly observed a source too weak for 
fringes to be seen).  At Q-band, most antennas gave fringes, but due to 
large residual pointing errors, no further statements on performance can 
be made. 

    Antenna 26B is giving multiple levels at all frequencies.  
Characteristics are as reported earlier. 

    Pointing is clearly the next most important system parameter to be 
pinned down.  Amplitude stability at the higher frequencies (U, K, Q) 
clearly worsens with increasing frequency, in a manner completely 
consistent with mispointing by up to an arcminute. 

    At L-band (where pointing is not an issue):

        * antenna 21 sensitivity is very poor. 
        * A curious large, slow phase change was seen in antenna 20, IFs 
A and C only, and in antenna 24, IFs A and C only. 
        * Antenna 19 has very low sensitivity in IFs A, B, and D -- but 
is o.k. in IF C (as judged by aips weights). 

    At C-band,

       * there are now 8 EVLA antennas giving fringes.  But antenna 23's 
sensitivity is very poor.  Antenna 16 fringed, but only sort-of. 

    Further scrutiny should only be done after pointing and residual 
delays are fixed up.

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