[evlatests] Tests, Sep 7 2006

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Thu Sep 7 19:34:29 EDT 2006

Antenna 24 is working a little more today.  K band cals are
not there; there is evidence that the solar and normal cal
control signals are swapped and Brent is aware of it.  There
is a pattern apparant at all bands:  BD is about half the
sensitivity we expect and AC is much worse than we expect.
either two downconverters, or DTS modules, or deformatters
are unhappy; or there is a dubious L302.  After verifying
DTS modules, the simplest test would be to swap the two L302s.
I do not think the antenna is usable until we sort out what
is wrong with AC.

There was a brief collimation run today which allowed setting
the antenna 24 collimations for C and K bands.  In general
we now have reasonable pointing, delays and focus at all
available bands.

Antenna 18 X band is now "OK" again, but not great.  Still
some moisture?

Rick and I spent some time testing the UX converter conversion
path.  We alternated between the direct and conversion paths
using IF BD overving a few minutes of blank sky and calibrator
repeatedly.  Only antennas 18 and 24 were properly controlled 
because all the others lack M301s.  Rick will report when he
has a chance to look at the data.  My intent was that this was
mostly a test to see if we are really know what we are doing.

There is still funny L302 behavior.  Two examples.
1)  18 BD was not fringing at K band the the L302 claimed to be
in lock.  I set it to 14432 MHz and back to 12931.9 again and
18 BD worked once more.
2)  16 AC was not fringing, the L302 was not locked.  Neither
trying a distant frequency nor rebooting helped matters.  This
was at K band where the required frequency was 12931.9 MHz.

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