[evlatests] Trying 74 MHz disguised as P band

Mark Claussen mclausse at nrao.edu
Thu Oct 5 13:40:02 EDT 2006

Here is a further report on something we tried on
September 29 to find fringes to An 14 and 18 at 74 MHz.
Note that Ken has earlier claimed that during his own 
tests that An 14 looked pretty good, An 18 was more 
iffy, and that there was a strong birdie in the An 18 bandpass.

I did a test whereby I tried to fool the software (obs2script;
Ken will have to comment on why he thought this might
work when trying directly did not)  by calling for P band in
the observe file but setting up LO/FI cards for 4-band.

When I did this, I still saw no fringes to either 14 or 18 
(there were fine fringes on VLA-VLA baselines).   I also
confirm a strong birdie very near the center of the 1.56 MHz
band that I used for the spectral line observations.  This birdie
is rather broad, about 74 kHz (fwhp).


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