[evlatests] K-band performance, from last night

Mark Claussen mclausse at nrao.edu
Tue Jun 20 16:23:11 EDT 2006

Rick has reported on X, C, and L from last evening (June 19, 2006).  
I give here the K-band results. 

    A)  Overall. 

An 18 was broken, as Ken reported.  An 24 does not have UX converter.
Antenna 13 BD pair had no fringes.

I saw no dropouts in amplitude or phase, but again, none were expected.
    B) Returning to correct phase: 

Difficult to tell; sources with signal were one hour apart, troposphere
variations can be significant over one hour.

    C) Bandpasses. 

These looked fine for the available data. (14ABCD, 16ABCD, 13AC)

    D)  Sensitivity. 

AIPS weights were generated for all antennas and IFs. Sensitivities are
estimated based on the aips weights.

An 13AC and 16ABCD are among the top 7 antennas in the array.
Thus I would say that there either is not any problems with the
reference pointing, or at least none that affects the sensitivity.

An 14, however is one of the worst antennas in the array, all IFs; though
not significantly lower than the other 2 or 3 antennas at the bottom.

   E) System temperatures.   

EVLA antennas were not remarkable in their Tsys.  An 17 reported about
22 K for all IFs, however (we can always wish).

I'll try to have something to say about Q band before the day is over.


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