[evlatests] not much, except for antenna 18

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Jun 13 19:55:10 EDT 2006

The focus EVLA focus finding function now seems to be in good
shape and changes to the Modcomp task were made to allow proper
synchronization in all cases.  The next steps are to tidy up
the python a bit and teach obs2script what to do with the .obs
'F' mode.  There is a reduction program that runs on the Modcomps
in realtime and telcal works with old data.  I will include this
in the realtime telcal in the next few days.

L band focus was surveyed today.  Only antenna 16 wanted a significant
change: about 5 cm which increased the fringe power by about ten

Antenna 18 was moved today and is now working again.  I expect
it to be included in a pointing run tonight so we can get an
idea of tilt for the new location.  Rob and Jerry had to work
hard to get the antenna back in service.  I will let them
detail the problems if they wish.

Antenna 24 is almost ready.  Rob said one IF was likely to work,
but no attempt at first fringes was made because the subreflector 
indexing had not yet been done leaving us with no idea where to
set the rotation.  I suppose we will try on Thursday with two IFs.

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