[evlatests] Drops, continued

Rick Perley rperley at nrao.edu
Thu Jul 13 19:54:10 EDT 2006

    Well, we're not quite there yet.

    Another check for drops was done, now that antennas 13, 18, and 24 
have received
the updated code. 

    Antenna 13 is free of drops on all IFs -- not one was seen in 30 
minutes of observing.

    Antenna 24 is free of drops on the two working IFs -- A and C. 

    Antenna 18, however, still has drops, on IFs B and D only.  Readers 
of this long-running column will recall that we have always identified 
two different drop behaviors.  The 'single' style drops, which were 
always seen on 13, and commonly on 24, are now gone.  I think we can 
declare this disease as cured.  But the other style -- double drops -- 
with the first dropped record being very deep, and the following record 
(at 410 msec averaging) half as deep, remain on antenna 18, IFs B and 
D.  They do not occur on every scan (about half of them, I'd judge), and 
they may not occur on every 10 second increment on the scans they do 
infest.  But they are still with us.  Clearly, a different origin. 

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