[evlatests] survey of l302 glitches

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at nrao.edu
Mon Jul 3 12:50:03 EDT 2006

Rick and I used an hour of dynamic time this morning to try
to understand how the amplitude glitches interact with phase
switching.  All antennas except 24, which unfortunately was
locked out, were avaialable.  Rick prepared a file which
was simply successive 30 minute scans looking at 3C84.  I
report here on the sequence of events during observing and
will leave the detailed reporting of behavior to Rick who had
a more synoptic view than I.

However my impression there has been more than one problem.
Phase switching and fringe rotation commands seem to interact.
13 can be fixed by disabling phase switching.
18 can be altered, but not fixed by disabling phase switching.

IAT   Test response to phase switching
---   --------------------------------
1530  antennas were on source
1536  disable phase switching for 13BD at the L302
1539  disable phase switching for 13 at the correlator
1545  disable phase switching for 18BD at the L302
1547  disable phase switching for 18 at the correlator
1549  disable phase swithcing for 13AC and 18AC at the L302

1600  New scan resets the EVLA
1601  enable phase switching for 13 and 18 at the correlator

       Test response to fringe commands
1603  Operator interrupts script for EVLA antennas
1606  I start a private executor running the same script
1612  I kill the private executor
1613  Operator restarts the EVLA script

       Phase switching exercise again
1615  disable phase switching for 13AC at the L302
1616  disable phase switching for 13 at the correlator
1617  disable phase switching for 13BD at the L302
1618  disable phase switching for 18BD at the L302
1620  disable phase swithcing for 18 at the correlator
1622  disable phase switching for 18AC at the L302

1631  new scan resets everything

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