[evlatests] Tests / jan 6th.

Vivek Dhawan vdhawan at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Jan 6 20:35:23 EST 2006

Follow-on to Ken's report:

Observations were:

1. cycled between L,C,X,K bands continuum, 3min per scan

2. one block of 30min at L-band I did 'rapid switching'
    by nodding between 2 positions which were really the
    same source offset by 10" in declination.

Antennas 14 & 16 used different executors.
Ant 13 not included.
Antenna 16 C-band not present.

Basically, things worked:  there are fringes everywhere,
of the right strength. No missing scans. Phase jumps between
band changes are there as expected.

The only thing out of the ordinary is that the nodding between
2 positions using an offset did not seem to work on antenna 14
and 16: The phases on VLA-VLA baselines have a square wave at
the expected duty cycle; while the phase on 14-16 has neither
the expected timescale nor amount. Another test will be done
between 2 different sources.


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