[evlatests] almost all working

Ken Sowinski ksowinsk at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Feb 10 17:40:39 EST 2006

Rick's test time today was used to try to recover from all
the damage of the last day or two.  Rick reported 13 and 16
to not work overnight and the real question is whay did 
14 work.  ALl the DTS modules were made catatonic yesterday
as a result of the power work that Jim reported on Thursday.
Today the DTS modules were all reset, the antennas sync'ed
again and almost everything is back to normal.

The only failure is that antenna 16 IFs A and C are dead at
L band.  No TP, and when the gain is driven up to provide
enough signal to the T5 there are still no fringes.  The 
L301-1 claims to be locked so that rules out the most obvious
culprit.  C band works, so the T302 is probably OK.  I don't
see anywhere else to look for the cause.

There was no hint of the periodic dropouts we have seen over
the last week or so.  I started an X band scan at 2212 IAT and 
will let it run to the end of test time at about 2248 so we can
have a long run of data to look at for stability.  

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