[evlatests] 24aug06 AR603 run: quick look

Michael Rupen mrupen at nrao.edu
Thu Aug 24 12:38:54 EDT 2006

24aug06: AR603 (07:01-08:01, 14:32-15:00 IAT)
mpr 24aug06

Preliminary report -- quick fringe check

X band, standard continuum, 3.3s averaging, mostly fast switching scans

Dynamic run

EVLA ant. 13,14,16,18 included

* X band
   - ant. 13, 14, 16 look OK
   - ant. 18 had the usual high Tsys (100-150 K) and correspondingly noisy
     IF 2 (BD) showed occasional phase jumps, of order 60 degrees, with one
       "base level" staying fairly constant, then jumping up to the other for
       10-ish seconds.  The jumps appear on all (VLA and EVLA) baselines to
       ant. 18.
     IF 1 (AC) shows no such effect.


Following up Barry's e-mail, this does look like the L302 heartbeat issue.
Ant. 13 was indeed fixed by the insertion of extra cable, so if we're going
that route, we should do the same to 18.


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