[evlatests] power outage

Pete Whiteis pwhiteis at nrao.edu
Fri Aug 11 18:56:12 EDT 2006

We've measured the MIB DHCP timeout at about 4 - 1/2 minutes.    The 
switch must be taking even longer to come back, or something else is 
afoot.  Anyhow, Hichem just modified DHCP to wait forever on its IP 
address, if necessary.  Let's see if that does the trick. 


Mike Revnell wrote:

>In case word hasn't gotten out yet Jim Jackson tells me that he thinks 
>he's identified what's going on with the DTS modules failing like this. A 
>fix is on the way.
>This doesn't explain why the batteries don't carry the system through 
>It seems that it takes the network switch in the antenna a good two 
>minutes to reboot. The MIBs give up on getting an IP address much quicker. 
>Thus they never get initialized.
>Once this fix is adequately tested we'll push the new images out to the 
>Of course, Murphy may have more to say on this.
>Mike Revnell
>National Radio Astronomy Observatory
>Socorro, New Mexico
>mrevnell at nrao.edu
>revnell at ieee.org
>On Fri, 11 Aug 2006, Ken Sowinski wrote:
>>There was a power outage this afternoon at the VLA.  Antennas
>>13 and 24 did not survive, the remainder all look OK, but I
>>have not tried observing with them yet.
>>Antenna 24 I suppose should not surprise us because it is not
>>complete yet.
>>Antenna 13 ought not to notice but did.  The MIBS in all four
>>of the DTS modules and the L302-1 are not responding.
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