[evlatests] Ant #14 ACU MIB

Tom Frost tfrost at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Sep 23 12:05:27 EDT 2005

this AM, at the request of Rob Long & Steve Durand, I looked
at the ACU MIB in #14 to see why it "died" during Rick's tests..

I found the same old problem that has plagued this ant since the
beginning of the EVLA tests...namely, the ACU MIB connector seems
to be rather 'flimsy' and prone to disconnecting if someone happens
to bump the mounting plate it's attached to...maybe a locking type
connector might serve better...for certain, relocating the MIB to
a permanent location, out of the way, would be the long term fix..

for the short term I have RTV'd the connector to the MIB board to
preclude the chance of it being accidently dislodged...Ken Sowinski
is now using it, so it must be "fixed"...

Tom Frost
Servo Group Leader
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
VLA Site--Plains of San Augustin
New Mexico, USA
web page    www.aoc.nrao.edu/~tfrost/index.htm
e-mail	    tfrost at aoc.nrao.edu

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