[evlatests] Saturday morning phase test

Rick Perley rperley at aoc.nrao.edu
Sat Oct 8 13:29:02 EDT 2005

    We ran a short program this morning to see if Bryan's modified
obs-to-script program solves the change of phase at source change
    The observations comprised 40 minutes, cycling amongst a
number of northern calibrators, using the old version, followed by
the same file, using the new version.   We ran at X-band. 

    No change in phase behavior was seen.  Qualitatively, the phase
behavior of both antenna 14 and 16 was the same between scripts,
and the same as reported earlier this week. 

    Ken reports some confusion on which script was being run,
and suspects the scripts were in fact the same -- i.e. no changes
were implemented.  I'll leave it to him to provide a more complete,
and accurate, description. 

    I did one extra test, after the end of the test described above. 
Some pundits have wondered what would happen if we requested
consecutive observations of the same source -- would the phase
change, or remain the same.  The answer -- based however on a
single trial -- is that the phase remains the same. 

    I have more data on this issue (taken in various spectral line
modes) that I'll review later. 


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