[Difx-users] Maximum number of IFs

Walter Brisken wbrisken at lbo.us
Mon Jan 22 10:25:38 EST 2018

Hi DiFX users,

I just put a fix into trunk of vex2difx that allows for support for more 
than 4 IFs per station in the vex file.  Prior to to the fix, an array 
would be over-run without bounds check, causing grief.  The new limit is 
32 IFs per station and there are checks in place with warning messages if 
this bound is exceeded.

If processing of more than 4 IFs per station is a current or near 
requirement for your operations, this is a change that could drive a 
formal patch release of DiFX.  Please let me know if this is the case.

Thanks to Zhang Xiuzhong for providing test data for diagnosis of this.


Walter Brisken
Long Baseline Observatory
(575)-835-7133 (office)
(505)-234-5912 (cell)

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