[Difx-users] baseline-selective merge of two DiFX runs?

Jan Wagner jwagner105 at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 8 05:02:09 EST 2018


we're in a situation where we have two DiFX output data sets:

set 1 all stations present but one station (Eb) with VEX $FREQ incorrect

set 2 some stations (Kt Ku Ky Mh) lost as their data were erased,
but Eb VEX $FREQ corrected

The correlator settings v2d and the .input files are identical
between these two sets.

I'd like to copy the visibilities from these two sets into a new
"merged" output set. Essentially, take set 1, ignore all
visibilities from baselines to Eb, and if set 2 has data on that
particular baseline to Eb then copy those visibilities from set 2.
This would produce a new correlator output dataset where the maximum
number of baselines have good visibility data, except of course of
the irrecoverable baselines (Eb) x (Kt Ku Ky Mh).

Presumably this would be a trivial merge operation based upon the
baseline tag of each visibility data record in pairs of .difx/DIFX_*

But before I rush off and create a merging script in Python:

Does anyone know of (or have :-)) a "mergeDiFX.py" or similar script
that does this trick?

kind regards,

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