[Difx-users] November difx-users workshop

Adam Deller deller at astron.nl
Sat Jul 2 10:05:11 EDT 2016

Hi all,

As foreshadowed in the last thread, there was a problem with the initial
chosen date range of November 7-11 due to local constraints for the hosts.
So after the doodle poll initiated by Wu Jiang, we have re-converged on the
previous week (October 30 - November 3).  However, this does overlap with a
local Chinese VLBI meeting, which is the reason for running Sunday -
Thursday: to allow additional local people to attend the first day of the
DiFX workshop.  We hope the Sunday start does not inconvenience any of the
other attendees: people will at least be able to be home by the weekend due
to the day earlier finish!

There will be a webpage on the wiki with a sign-up sheet and logistics
information soon.


Dr. Adam Deller
Ph  +31 521595785 / Fax +31 521595101
Staff Astronomer, Astronomy Group
ASTRON, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4
7991 PD Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
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