[Difx-users] November difx-users workshop

jiangwu at shao.ac.cn jiangwu at shao.ac.cn
Mon Aug 15 04:05:00 EDT 2016

Hi all,

Please find the website for the registration of the 10th DiFX meeting below.


Please contact with me if you require the VISA or anything else.

See you at Shanghai,


Wu Jiang 

发件人: "Adam Deller" <deller at astron.nl>
发送时间: 2016年7月2日 星期六
收件人: difxusers <difx-users at listmgr.nrao.edu>
抄送:jiangwu at shao.ac.cn
主题: November difx-users workshop

Hi all,

As foreshadowed in the last thread, there was a problem with the initial chosen date range of November 7-11 due to local constraints for the hosts.  So after the doodle poll initiated by Wu Jiang, we have re-converged on the previous week (October 30 - November 3).  However, this does overlap with a local Chinese VLBI meeting, which is the reason for running Sunday - Thursday: to allow additional local people to attend the first day of the DiFX workshop.  We hope the Sunday start does not inconvenience any of the other attendees: people will at least be able to be home by the weekend due to the day earlier finish!

There will be a webpage on the wiki with a sign-up sheet and logistics information soon.




Dr. Adam Deller         
Ph  +31 521595785 / Fax +31 521595101
Staff Astronomer, Astronomy Group    
ASTRON, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4
7991 PD Dwingeloo, The Netherlands

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