[Difx-users] DiFX users workshop, wrap-up and next year

Adam Deller deller at astron.nl
Thu Nov 26 09:29:53 EST 2015

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is home safe and sound (or still enjoying their travels)
after a successful 9th users and developers workshop.  The talks from the
meeting are now available on the website (

During the meeting there was an offer from Shanghai to host next years DiFX
meeting.  Can we get confirmation of that, perhaps with some idea of what
dates might be feasible?  The IVTW next year sounds like it might be in
Haystack, so if the DiFX meeting is to be in Shanghai we wouldn't need to
try and coordinate times (in fact, it would be better to be not too close
in time).

You may have noticed from this email address that the difx-users list has
migrated away from google groups and to a list hosted by NRAO.  We hope
that will be helpful to people who had trouble accessing the google group
site due to firewall issues.  The old google groups page will remain, and
remain searchable, but will soon be set to read-only.

Final important news from the workshop - DiFX will soon be moving to a GPL
license.  If you've previously signed the Swinburne license, please do send
details to Chris as he requested on November 9.  The sooner everyone does
this, the sooner we can open up the source code so anyone can check it out


Dr. Adam Deller
Ph  +31 521595785 / Fax +31 521595101
Staff Astronomer, Astronomy Group
ASTRON, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4
7991 PD Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
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