[daip] [!10134]: AIPS - IMAGR stops with ZDAOPN: DELAY 1...

Robert Gray nraohelp at nrao.edu
Fri Mar 31 21:22:04 EDT 2017

IMAGR stops with ZDAOPN: DELAY 1... 

           Ticket ID: 10134
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/10134
           Full Name: Robert Gray
               Email: roberthansengray at gmail.com
             Creator: User
          Department: AIPS Data Reduction
       Staff (Owner): Eric Greisen
                Type: Issue
              Status: Open
            Priority: Default
                 SLA: NRAO E2E
      Template Group: Default
             Created: 31 March 2017 09:30 PM
             Updated: 01 April 2017 01:22 AM
                 Due: 05 April 2017 12:00 AM (3d 22h 38m)
      Resolution Due: 11 April 2017 12:00 AM (9d 22h 38m)


Thanks for the advice on the ZDAOPN problem.  I did "ls -l ./" in
AIPS/DATA, generating 34,000 records, which I scanned with SAS to find
0-byte files, and it turned up this record:
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 rgray rgray           0 Jul 14  2016 ./SPACE

1.  Would you advise deleting that file?  It has a kinda system-ish look to

2.  Is there an alternative way around this problem, such as deleting the
UV files where it occurs and re-creating them?

3.  In a test that may provide additional insight into the problem, I ran
the IMAGR code I included with my initial note, omitting only "WAIT IMAGR",
and it ran as expected over many channels, but when I ran it again
including the "WAIT IMAGR", it died at the end of the first channel, which
is the original problem.  Does that suggest a solution?

Thanks again for your help!

Bob Gray

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 4:49 PM, NRAO Helpdesk <nraohelp at nrao.edu> wrote:

> For some reason there has been created a 0-byte file (not UV or MA - I
> would guess CG.  Go to your data area and do
> ls -l CGD*
> If there is a 0-byte file delete it.  The task will create a new one if
> none is there but expects an old one to have at least 1 1024-byte record.
> Eric Greisen
> If there is not such a thing look for other 0-byte files - there should be
> none
> Ticket Details
> ---------------------------------
> Ticket ID: 10134
> Department: AIPS Data Reduction
> Support Center: https://help.nrao.edu/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/10134

Staff CP:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff

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