[daip] DTSUM

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Jan 19 16:18:56 EST 2017

On 01/19/2017 12:20 PM, Matt Lister wrote:
> Hi Eric, sorry for the confusion, it looks like the issue isn't with
> DTSUM, it is with SPLIT.
> In the dataset I'm working on, the SU table has the sourcename as
> J0324+3410
> When I run SPLIT, it creates a file
> J0324+3410  .SPLIT .    1
> When I do imhead on this file, I get
> Image=J0324+34  (UV)         Filename=J0324+3410  .SPLIT .   2
> So then when I run DTSUM, it says the name of the source is 'J0324+34'
> Is there any way to avoid this truncation behavior in SPLIT (either by
> user parameters, or by making the default up to 12 character length?)

All AIPS tasks accept INNAME as 12 characters.  Unfortunately, the 
source name embedded in the header is limited to 8 characters.  I cannot 
even imagine how expensive it would be to change that - every data set 
and image on disk for every user would have to have a format revision, 
every aips file would have to be renamed etc etc This is not a good 
idea.  In fact the VLA now uses 16 characters (as in the source table) 
so even the 12 for INNAME is not adequate.  Again, changing that would 
be expensive and cause much user disruption (distribution versions would 
no longer be compatible among other things).

So the answer is no we cannot fix this.

Eric Greisen

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