[daip] ACSCL using calibration and multiple subarrays?

James M. Anderson anderson at gfz-potsdam.de
Mon Jul 18 09:46:22 EDT 2016

Hello again, Amy,

On Fri, 2016-07-15T01:38:24CEST, Amy Mioduszewski <amiodusz at nrao.edu> wrote:
> I'm still thinking about your other problem.

I have also had another idea for ANTAB and Fortaleza.  Perhaps the
station names could be assigned to the group keywords, such as


Right now, the group keywords are only checked to see if they are
non-blank.  But one could assign a <= 8 character string to them, and
check whether or not that string matches a station name.  Or, if the
group keyword is an empty string (default blank), then check if the
station name keyword has been set.  This would have the benefit of
preventing keyword/station name conflicts for all keywords.

Have a good day,

James M Anderson

James M Anderson, PhD
Department 1: Geodesy
Section 1.1:  Space Geodetic Techniques
Tel.:         +49 (0)331/288-28948
Fax:          +49 (0)331/288-1111
E-Mail:       anderson at gfz-potsdam.de

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Stiftung des öff. Rechts Land Brandenburg
Telegrafenberg A6
14473 Potsdam

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