[daip] [!9297]: AIPS - VLOG

Lynn Matthews noreply at nrao.edu
Fri Dec 2 18:53:17 EST 2016

Lynn Matthews updated #9297


           Ticket ID: 9297
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/9297
           Full Name: Lynn Matthews
               Email: lmatthew at haystack.mit.edu
             Creator: User
          Department: AIPS Data Reduction
       Staff (Owner): Amy Mioduszewski
                Type: Issue
              Status: Open
            Priority: Default
                 SLA: NRAO E2E
      Template Group: Default
             Created: 18 November 2016 07:06 PM
             Updated: 02 December 2016 06:53 PM
      Resolution Due: 30 November 2016 11:35 PM 


The mechanics of VLOG and ANTAB now seem to be working correctly, but now this has led to two more questions.

As a test, I took the version of my data (BM452C) that was correlated in Socorro and ran VLOG and ANTAB to check if I was recreating the TY and GC tables correctly. The TY tables are the same, but in the GC table, three antennas (BR, LA, and MK) show different values in the "SENS_K/JY" columns in the original table compared with the one that I created. Is this because the vlba_gains.key file was updated in the time since the original tables were created?

Second, the original GC table has "NO_TABS=6" and 12 lines associated with each antenna, whereas my newly created table has "NO_TABS=4" and 8 lines per antenna. What does this difference signify?


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