[daip] [!6731]: AIPS - code dump on load of unfits from AIPS 2015

Tracy Clarke do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Wed Jun 17 21:55:01 EDT 2015

Tracy Clarke updated #6731

code dump on load of unfits from AIPS 2015

           Ticket ID: 6731
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/6731

Hi Eric,

I am sorry, I was on travel and I believe two things happened. The version of AIPS 2015 we had produced some
odd behavior at times (amplitudes measuring +- 180 for example). I loaded the data to a different AIPS and
then wrote it out fine and read into CASA. The second issue is that one of the uvfits files in question was 
produced by Bill's updated Obit to handle the new AIPS formats. The file loads OK in AIPS but dumps
core in CASA. Given the oddness of the two issues I thought it was a CASA-AIPS interaction but now
believe it is an Obit-CASA interaction. Wendy was planning to follow up with Bill. I'll let you know if we
do find any AIPS concerns as we are regularly shifting back and forth AIPS 2015/AIPS 2014 data.



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