[daip] [!6689]: AIPS - Installing Second Data Area in AIPS 31dec15

Amy Mioduszewski do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Mon Jun 1 10:42:35 EDT 2015

Amy Mioduszewski updated #6689

                 Due: - Cleared - (was: 03 June 2015 06:46 AM)

Installing Second Data Area in AIPS 31dec15

           Ticket ID: 6689
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/6689

Hi Dave,

If you just want another "AIPS disk" in the same area, you don't have to install anything.  Below is from the AIPS Manager FAQ, you can skip steps 2 and 3 if this is your computer with its own installation of AIPS:

How do I configure new AIPS data areas?

 1)  Move to your $AIPS_ROOT/NET0 area. Edit DADEVS.LIST and add the new data areas. Note that these areas must have the name of the host (in upper case) which is to use the areas, such as /home/AIPS/DATA/WOOHOO_1 where /home/AIPS is $AIPS_ROOT and the file /home/AIPS/DATA/WOOHOO_1 is a link to the actual data area on host woohoo.
 2) If you are supporting conflicting architectures, such as LINUX and SOLARIS which cannot share data due to their opposite byte orders, you must use different $SITE names for the separate architectures. DADEVS.LIST then becomes DADEVS.LIST.$SITE with separate disk area lists for each architecture.
3) Disk areas in all DADEVS.LIST files in the $NET0 directory should also appear in the file NETSP using the identical name and specifying the TIMDEST limit in days and the list of allowed user numbers (or 8 0's to allow all users).
 4) The data area itself needs to have only one AIPS file before it may be used. That file is called SPACE and can be a 0-byte file with write privilege for anyone supposed to use that data area. It may be created with the command "touch SPACE" 

Amy Mioduszewski

Staff CP:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff

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