[daip] [!6867]: AIPS - Adding a new user

Atish Kamble do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Thu Jul 9 18:32:39 EDT 2015

Atish Kamble updated #6867

Adding a new user

           Ticket ID: 6867
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/6867


Would it be possible to add a new user to the cfa-transient group so that the user can access AIPS and datafiles on the /lustre/cfa-transient/ ?

We have a student working here in our group who needs to analyse the radio/EVLA data. I have tried options of transferring some files but that not worked out. Besides it is a heavy load on networks. It would be very helpful if we could add a new user instead. If that is possible please create an account for "Louis Johnson"

Please let me know.

- Atish .

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