[daip] Fwd: Wanted

ebouton ebouton at nrao.edu
Fri Jan 23 00:20:58 EST 2015

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Wanted
Date: 2015-01-22 23:23
 From: Robert Gray <roberthansengray at gmail.com>
To: ebouton at nrao.edu
Folks -

I don't know who is right to answer this person's question, but I know 
it isn't me.  I'm assuming he got confused about the contacts and sent 
it to me (historic archives - archivist at nrao.edu) rather than the data 
archive and/or software folks, so I'm passing it on.



I'm a current VLA observer (14B-292) and think I need to buy or build an
AIPS/CASA machine and possibly find a co-investigator or paid consultant 
assist with data reduction.  Can you suggest an avenue for contacting
people who might be interested, such as an internal AOC newsletter with
classified ads or a bulletin board where I could post a "Wanted" notice?

This is a bit unconventional, but I don't have an institutional base for
either equipment or colleagues, so I need to improvise.  I'm getting 
from the Help Desk and temporary computing on an AOC node, but I have a
huge amount of data and have not worked with VLA data for 20 years and
things have changed a lot, so I need to marshal some resources (and I've
got a budget to help).  It's a SETI project, "Search of M31 and M33 for
Radio Signals in the 21-cm Band" and I've written a book on the topic 
Elusive Wow*.

Any suggestions or guidance you can provide will be much appreciated!

Bob Gray

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