[daip] FARS issue

Lawrence Rudnick larry at umn.edu
Thu Jan 1 18:06:14 EST 2015

Perhaps have isolated the problem.

I haven't checked output in detail yet, but looks like the procedure has 
worked with only changing blc,trc before running DOFARS.
in the run that failed, i set blc, trc to 3341 3361; 5421 5601 before 
running DOFARS.  when it actually gets to the FARS stage, DOFARS 
apparently has set the BLC, TRC to 1 0 0, 1 0 0.   the output maps have 
the correct dimensions
301,2081,1941 , but the output is garbage.

if instead i set original blc, trc to 0,0, then when DOFARS gets to the 
FARS stage, it has blc,trc 0,0

 >tget fars
AIPS 2: FARS: Task to create Faraday rotation measure image
AIPS 2: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
AIPS 2: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 2: INNAME     'A2256ALL'              First image name
AIPS 2: INCLASS    'TRANS1'                First image class
AIPS 2: INSEQ         0                    First image seq. #
AIPS 2: INDISK        2                    First image disk drive #
AIPS 2: IN2NAME    'A2256ALL'              Second image name
AIPS 2: IN2CLASS   'TRANS2'                Second image class
AIPS 2: IN2SEQ        0                    Second image seq. #
AIPS 2: IN2DISK       2                    Second image disk drive #
AIPS 2: OUTNAME    'A2256RELCL2'           First output image name
AIPS 2: OUTSEQ        0                    First output image seq. #
AIPS 2: OUTDISK       3                    First output image disk #
AIPS 2: INFILE     'FITS:LR_A2256/DOFARS6. Input file of weights
AIPS 2:            WEIGHTS'
AIPS 2: DOALIGN       1                    Should images be coincident?
AIPS 2:                                    (See HELP.)
AIPS 2: BLC        *all 0                  Bottom left corner
AIPS 2: TRC        *all 0                  Top right corner
AIPS 2:                                    See help for the 1st axis
AIPS 2:                                    (must be frequencies!!!)
AIPS 2: APARM       150           3        Parameters for algorithm:
AIPS 2:               0           0          1 number of pixels at
AIPS 2:               2           0            half of the Fourier
AIPS 2:               1           0            transform output
AIPS 2:               0           2            The whole number is
AIPS 2:                                          2*APARM(1)+1
AIPS 2:                                      2 cell size in 1/m^2
AIPS 2:                                        0 =>
AIPS 2: PI/(4*(Lmax^2-Lmin^2))
AIPS 2:                                        Lmax,Lmin-max,min lambda
AIPS 2:                                        at the data
AIPS 2:                                      3 0 => regular output
AIPS 2:                                        1 => output is RMTF
AIPS 2:                                      4 0=> CLEANed Fourier
AIPS 2:                                            transform
AIPS 2:                                        1=> unCLEANed Fourier
AIPS 2:                                            transform
AIPS 2:                                      5 0=>original(shifted back)
AIPS 2:                                           RE/IM are sent out
AIPS 2:                                        1=>the shifted RE/IM are
AIPS 2:                                            sent out
AIPS 2:                                        2=>amplitude and phase of
AIPS 2:                                           the data are sent out
AIPS 2:                                      6 is not used
AIPS 2:                                      7 0=> convolve the clean
AIPS 2:                                        components
AIPS 2:                                        1=> no convolve
AIPS 2:                                      8 0=> use the Gaussian as
AIPS 2:                                            the convolve function
AIPS 2:                                        1=> use the Re of RMTF as
AIPS 2:                                            the convolve function
AIPS 2:                                      9 full width of Gaussian
AIPS 2:                                        convolve function, at 0.5
AIPS 2:                                        level, in 1/m^2
AIPS 2:                                        0 => fit to real RMTF
AIPS 2: ** press RETURN for more, enter Q or next line to quit print **
AIPS 2:                                     10 what send to output?
AIPS 2:                                        0 => sum of CLEAN and
AIPS 2:                                             residual
AIPS 2:                                        1 => CLEAN result
AIPS 2:                                        2 => residual
AIPS 2: GAIN          0.999                Gain in the CLEAN
AIPS 2: NITER         1                    Maximum number of clean
AIPS 2:                                    components
AIPS 2: FLUX          0                    Minimum flux of clean
AIPS 2:                                    component (Jy)
AIPS 2: DOHIST       -2                    -2 => copy 1st HI only
AIPS 2:                                    -3 => copy no HI files

Lawrence Rudnick
Distinguished Teaching Professor
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Minnesota
http://umn.edu/~larry  larry at umn.edu

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