[daip] [!5480]: aips - CVEL AIPS 2

Carolina Rodriguez do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Thu Sep 11 18:45:47 EDT 2014

Carolina Rodriguez updated #5480


           Ticket ID: 5480
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/5480
           Full Name: Carolina Rodriguez
               Email: ca.rodriguez at crya.unam.mx
             Creator: User
          Department: AIPS Data Processing
       Staff (Owner): -- Unassigned --
                Type: Issue
              Status: Open
            Priority: Default
                 SLA: NRAO E2E
      Template Group: Default
             Created: 11 September 2014 10:45 PM
             Updated: 11 September 2014 10:45 PM
                 Due: 15 September 2014 10:45 PM (4d 0h 0m)
      Resolution Due: 19 September 2014 10:45 PM (8d 0h 0m)

First of all, thank you very much for answer me!

The project code is AK699.

These are the last steps that I followed:


AIPS 1: SPLIT     Task to split multi-source uv data to single source
AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1:                                    also works on single files.
AIPS 1: INNAME     '20080831'              Input UV file name (name)
AIPS 1: INCLASS    'LINE'                  Input UV file name (class)
AIPS 1: INSEQ         1                    Input UV file name (seq. #)
AIPS 1: INDISK        1                    Input UV file disk unit #
AIPS 1: SOURCES    '18118-17314'           Source list
AIPS 1:            '18120-18319'  '18132-17595'
AIPS 1:            '18179-12073'  '18187-15489'
AIPS 1:            '18211-14318'  '18251-12422'
AIPS 1:            *rest ' '
AIPS 1: QUAL         -1                    Source qualifier -1=>all
AIPS 1: CALCODE    ' '                     Calibrator code '    '=>all
AIPS 1: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Time range to copy
AIPS 1: STOKES     ' '                     Stokes type to pass.
AIPS 1: SELBAND      -1                    Bandwidth to select (kHz)
AIPS 1: SELFREQ      -1                    Frequency to select (MHz)
AIPS 1: FREQID       -1                    Freq. ID to select.
AIPS 1: BIF           0                    Lowest IF number 0=>all
AIPS 1: EIF           0                    Highest IF number 0=>all
AIPS 1: BCHAN         1                    Lowest channel number 0=>all
AIPS 1: ECHAN         0                    Highest channel number
AIPS 1: SUBARRAY      0                    Subarray, 0=>all
AIPS 1: DOCALIB       2                    > 0 calibrate data & weights
AIPS 1:                                    > 99 do NOT calibrate weights
AIPS 1: GAINUSE       2                    CL (or SN) table to apply

comput> SPLIT1: Task SPLIT  (release of 31DEC13) begins
comput> SPLIT1: You are using a non-standard program
comput> SPLIT1: Doing subarray  1
comput> SPLIT1: UVGET: Using flag table version   1 to edit data
comput> SPLIT1: Create 18118-17314 .SPLIT .   1 (UV)  on disk  2  cno   13
comput> SPLIT1: Applying CL Table version     1
comput> SPLIT1:            Previously flagged   flagged by gain         kept
comput> SPLIT1: Partially               0                   0              0
comput> SPLIT1: Fully                   0                   0           7838
comput> SPLIT1: New NX table written
comput> SPLIT1: Copied WX file from vol/cno/vers  1    6   1 to  2   13   1
comput> SPLIT1: Copied OF file from vol/cno/vers  1    6   1 to  2   13   1
comput> SPLIT1: Updating FREQ in AN tables
comput> SPLIT1: Reformatted AN file from vol/cno/vers  1    6   1 to  2   13   1
comput> SPLIT1: Create 18120-18319 .SPLIT .   1 (UV)  on disk  2  cno   14
comput> SPLIT1:            Previously flagged   flagged by gain         kept
comput> SPLIT1: Partially               0                   0              0
comput> SPLIT1: Fully                   0                   0           9932
comput> SPLIT1: New NX table written
comput> SPLIT1: Copied WX file from vol/cno/vers  1    6   1 to  2   14   1
comput> SPLIT1: Copied OF file from vol/cno/vers  1    6   1 to  2   14   1
comput> SPLIT1: Updating FREQ in AN tables
comput> SPLIT1: Reformatted AN file from vol/cno/vers  1    6   1 to  2   14   1
comput> SPLIT1: Create 18132-17595 .SPLIT .   1 (UV)  on disk  2  cno   15
comput> SPLIT1:            Previously flagged   flagged by gain         kept

AIPS 1: CVEL      Task to shift spectral line data to a given velocity
AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: INNAME     '18118-17314'           Input UV file name (name)
AIPS 1: INCLASS    'SPLIT'                 Input UV file name (class)
AIPS 1: INSEQ         1                    Input UV file name (seq. #)
AIPS 1: INDISK        2                    Input UV file disk unit #
AIPS 1: OUTNAME    ' '                     Output UV file name (name)
AIPS 1: OUTCLASS   ' '                     Output UV file name (class)
AIPS 1: OUTSEQ        0                    Output UV file name (seq. #)
AIPS 1: OUTDISK       2                    Output UV file disk unit #
AIPS 1: SOURCES    *all ' '                Source list to shift, other
AIPS 1:                                    sources will be passed
AIPS 1:                                    unshifted. Ignored for
AIPS 1:                                    single source files.
AIPS 1:                                    '*' or ' ' => all;
AIPS 1: QUAL         -1                    Source qualifier to shift,
AIPS 1:                                    Sources with other quals
AIPS 1:                                    will be passed unshifted.
AIPS 1:                                    -1 => no selection by qual
AIPS 1: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Time range to shift
AIPS 1: SELBAND      -1                    Bandwidth to select (kHz)
AIPS 1: SELFREQ      -1                    Frequency to select (MHz)
AIPS 1: FREQID        1                    Freq. ID to select (1 only)
AIPS 1: SUBARRAY      0                    Subarray, 0=>1
AIPS 1: FLAGVER       0                    Flag table version
AIPS 1: DOBAND       -1                    If >0 apply bandpass cal.
AIPS 1:                                    Method used depends on value
AIPS 1:                                    of DOBAND (see HELP file).
AIPS 1: BPVER        -1                    Bandpass table version
AIPS 1: GAINUSE       2                    CL table version which
AIPS 1:                                    contains the time/antenna
AIPS 1:                                    dependent frequency offsets.
AIPS 1:                                    0 => 1.
AIPS 1:                                    APARMS(1:6) will define the
AIPS 1:                                    velocity parameters needed
AIPS 1:                                    for single source files. The
AIPS 1:                                    parameters you define here
AIPS 1:                                    will override any of those
AIPS 1:                                    set with ALTDEF. If any of
AIPS 1:                                    APARM(1)-(6) are set CVEL
AIPS 1:                                    will assume all are set.
AIPS 1:                                    These are ignored in the case
AIPS 1:                                    of multi-source files, you
AIPS 1:                                    should use SETJY for them.
AIPS 1: APARM      33800         64        (1) => for single source file
AIPS 1:               0           1            the velocity of a given
AIPS 1:            4.407E+10   430000          pixel (m/s).
AIPS 1:            *rest 0                 (2) => the pixel to which
AIPS 1:                                        APARM(1) refers.
AIPS 1:                                    (3) defines the velocity type
AIPS 1:                                        0 => LSR, 1 => HELIO
AIPS 1:                                    (4) the velocity definition:
AIPS 1:                                        0 => optical, 1 => radio
AIPS 1:                                    (5) aparms 5 & 6 define the
AIPS 1:                                        rest frequency of the
AIPS 1:                                        line in Hz; the value
AIPS 1:                                        used is the sum of
AIPS 1:                                        APARM(5) + APARM(6).
AIPS 1:                                        See helpfile.
AIPS 1:                                    (7) not used now
AIPS 1:                                    (8) if > 0 then do not print
AIPS 1:                                        messages about large
AIPS 1:                                        channel shifts, used if
AIPS 1:                                        deliberately want a large
AIPS 1:                                        shift.
AIPS 1:                                    (9)  0 => not smooth spectra
AIPS 1:                                             while shifting
AIPS 1:                                        >0 => smooth AC spectra
AIPS 1:                                             by Hanning
AIPS 1:                                        >1 => smooth XC spectra
AIPS 1:                                             by Hanning also
AIPS 1:                                    (10) 0 = trust CVEL
AIPS 1:                                         1 = Earth center
AIPS 1:                                         2 = Low antenna
AIPS 1:                                         3 = High antenna
AIPS 1: BADDISK    *all 0                  Disks to avoid for scratch

comput> CVEL 1: Task CVEL   (release of 31DEC13) begins
comput> CVEL 1: You are using a non-standard program
comput> CVEL 1: WARNING: CVEL may produce incorrect answers on files that
comput> CVEL 1: have, at any time, been SPLIT; see HELP
comput> CVEL 1: Create 18118-17314 .CVEL  .   1 (UV)  on disk  2  cno   22
comput> CVEL 1: Doing no flagging on the UV data
comput> CVEL 1: QINIT: did a GET  of      5120 Kwords, OFF   17479105801519
comput> CVEL 1: Will use velocity and frequency information from APARMS
comput> CVEL 1: Velocity type is LSR
comput> CVEL 1: Velocity definition is RADIO
comput> CVEL 1: Rest frequency =     44069.429688 MHz
comput> CVEL 1: Ref. pixel for new velocity is    64.00
comput> CVEL 1: New velocity at given pixel is    33.8000 km/s
comput> CVEL 1: Scan    1 Source 18118-17   0/ 02 22 08 -   0/ 02 22 58 Shifting
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   2 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30007
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   4 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30076
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   6 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30072
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   7 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30054
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   8 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30067
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   9 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30052
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  10 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30033
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  11 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30046
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  13 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30048
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  14 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30031
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  15 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30043
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  17 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30047
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  21 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.29800
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  22 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30058
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  23 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.29999
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  24 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30068
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  25 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30065
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  26 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.30065
comput> CVEL 1: Scan    2 Source 18118-17   0/ 02 24 33 -   0/ 02 25 28 Shifting
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   2 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27375
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   4 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27446
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   6 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27442
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   7 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27425
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   8 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27445
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   9 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27425
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  10 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27406
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  11 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27421
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  13 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27424
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  14 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27409
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  15 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27423
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  17 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27430
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  19 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27430
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  21 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27428
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  22 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27421
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  23 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27362
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  24 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27430
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  25 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27427
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:  26 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.27428
comput> CVEL 1: Scan    3 Source 18118-17   0/ 02 27 08 -   0/ 02 27 57 Shifting
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   2 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.24742
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   4 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.24811
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   6 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.24807
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   7 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.24790
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   8 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.24803
comput> CVEL 1:      Ant:   9 IF#:  1 Average shift =     -1.24789

At this point I get a little bit confused because the rest frequency is 44069.430 MHz
I tried with aparm(5)=44069e6 and aparm(6)=430e3 and two or three different ways more
but when I checked the inputs again the result was the same (a little bit incorrect). As you can see in 
my inputs above:

AIPS 1:            4.407E+10   430000          pixel (m/s).
AIPS 1:            *rest 0                 (2) => the pixel to which

and in the message windows:

comput> CVEL 1: Rest frequency =     44069.429688 MHz

I don't understand what happen there, but that is not the big deal!

The important thing to me is the velocity in the header.

After splited the data:

AIPS 1: Got(1)   disk= 2  user=  87   type=UV   18118-17314.SPLIT.1
AIPS 1: Image=18118-17  (UV)         Filename=18118-17314 .SPLIT .   1
AIPS 1: Telescope=VLA                Receiver=VLA
AIPS 1: Observer=AK0699              User #=   87
AIPS 1: Observ. date=31-AUG-2008     Map date=08-SEP-2014
AIPS 1: # visibilities      7838     Sort order  TB
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: Type    Pixels   Coord value     at Pixel     Coord incr   Rotat
AIPS 1: COMPLEX      3   1.0000000E+00       1.00  1.0000000E+00    0.00
AIPS 1: STOKES       1  -1.0000000E+00       1.00 -1.0000000E+00    0.00
AIPS 1: FREQ       127   4.4062478E+10      64.00  2.4414062E+04    0.00
AIPS 1: IF           1   1.0000000E+00       1.00  1.0000000E+00    0.00
AIPS 1: RA           1    18 11 51.300       1.00       3600.000    0.00
AIPS 1: DEC          1   -17 31 29.000       1.00       3600.000    0.00
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: Coordinate equinox 2000.00
AIPS 1: Rest freq      0.000         Vel type: OPTICAL wrt YOU
AIPS 1: Alt ref. value  0.00000E+00  wrt pixel   64.00
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type NX is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type FQ is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type HI is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type WX is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type OF is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type AN is   1
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'OBSCHANS'  value =          128
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'CORRMODE'  value = '2AD     '
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'SELCHANS'  value =          127
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'VLAIFS  '  value = 'A       '
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'CORRCOEF'  value =           -1

Seems like we don't have velocity information at this point

After CVEL:

AIPS 1: Got(1)   disk= 2  user=  87   type=UV   18118-17314.CVEL.1
AIPS 1: Image=18118-17  (UV)         Filename=18118-17314 .CVEL  .   1
AIPS 1: Telescope=VLA                Receiver=VLA
AIPS 1: Observer=AK0699              User #=   87
AIPS 1: Observ. date=31-AUG-2008     Map date=08-SEP-2014
AIPS 1: # visibilities      7838     Sort order  TB
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: Type    Pixels   Coord value     at Pixel     Coord incr   Rotat
AIPS 1: COMPLEX      3   1.0000000E+00       1.00  1.0000000E+00    0.00
AIPS 1: STOKES       1  -1.0000000E+00       1.00 -1.0000000E+00    0.00
AIPS 1: FREQ       127   4.4062478E+10      64.00  2.4414062E+04    0.00
AIPS 1: IF           1   1.0000000E+00       1.00  1.0000000E+00    0.00
AIPS 1: RA           1    18 11 51.300       1.00       3600.000    0.00
AIPS 1: DEC          1   -17 31 29.000       1.00       3600.000    0.00
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: Coordinate equinox 2000.00
AIPS 1: Rest freq  44069.429         Vel type: RADIO   wrt LSR
AIPS 1: Alt ref. value  3.38000E+04  wrt pixel   64.00
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type NX is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type FQ is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type HI is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type WX is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type OF is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type AN is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type FO is   1
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'OBSCHANS'  value =          128
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'CORRMODE'  value = '2AD     '
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'SELCHANS'  value =          127
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'VLAIFS  '  value = 'A       '
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'CORRCOEF'  value =           -1

I don't understand why the velocity is the same that I gave in CVEL
because a velocity of 33.8 km/s corresponds to August 29 but the observations were made
on August 31. Maybe, I don't understand what is doing CVEL.

I checked the data with the POSSM task and I saw a little displacement of the line after CVEL
was applied but the header information doesn't change. Should I expect a change?

Thank you for your help!!

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