[daip] VLBA+EB data reduction

bboccardi at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de bboccardi at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Mon Nov 24 07:04:29 EST 2014

Dear Eric,

I am a PhD student in MPIfR-Bonn, we met some months ago at the NRAO 
interferometry school.

I have a 43 GHz data set from VLBA+Effelsberg observations in May 2014 
(project bb338).

The data came divided in 3 files, which I uploaded with FITLD (doconcat 
1). After sorting them with MSORT, I checked the TY table and I noticed 
there are no Tsys data for Effelsberg, although I know they should be 

The question is: can this be due to a wrong concatenation? Would DBCON 
work better, since this is not a pure VLBA data set?

Best regards,


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