[daip] aips intallation in yosemite

Gemma Busquet gbusquet at iaa.es
Fri Nov 14 07:58:56 EST 2014


I'm writing to you because I'm trying to install AIPS under Mac OS
Yosemite and I always get some errors.
I follow the binary installation perl install.pl -n
and after that, when I type ./START_AIPS I obtain this message:

Gemmas-MacBook-Pro:aips gbusquet$ ./START_AIPS
START_AIPS: Your initial AIPS printer is the
START_AIPS:  - system name , AIPS type

START_AIPS: User data area assignments:
DADEVS.PL: This program is untested under Perl version 5.018
  (Using global default file
/Users/gbusquet/programs/aips/DA00/DADEVS.LIST for DADEVS.PL)
DADEVS.PL error - no disks selected at all
This is a FATAL error and nothing in AIPS will work.

START_AIPS: Cannot start AIPS because there are no defined data areas!
START_AIPS: (check DADEVS.LIST or .dadevs files, or AIPSASSN.\*)

Do you know if there is any problem with the installation with the
Yosemite system?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,

Gemma Busquet Rico
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC
Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n
E-18008 Granada

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