[daip] Start Up Issue

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Wed Mar 5 18:30:49 EST 2014

Kevin Dimond wrote:
> Eric,
> Thank you for the help. Implementing suggestion 1. resulted in a 
> slightly different result, but there still appears to be a problem. The 
> message can be found in the first attachment.
> I moved on to the second suggestion, I ran into more errors when trying 
> to run the .FOR and .EXE versions of both FILAIP and POPSGN. The outputs 
> can be found in the second and third attachment. I'll try moving onto 
> the third item.

1. The result at present is point 3 - shared memory failure

2. I meant the things I sent LITERALLY.  AIPS provides a command RUN 
which does all kinds of setup to execute the .EXE named.  Standalone 
programs like FILAIP and POPSGN run that way.

          source $AIPS_ROOT/LOGIN.CSJ   or
          . $AIPS_ROOT/LOGIN.SH  (if you use bash shell)


          RUN FILAIP

and answer the question with
          8 2

          RUN POPSGN
and answer the question
          0  POPSDAT  TST
and when you get a > prompt just hit the <cr> (Enter key).

Eric Greisen

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