[daip] [!5346]: aips - VLA14B-292 Computer Processing Time question

Robert H Gray do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 11 17:34:00 EDT 2014

Robert H Gray updated #5346

VLA14B-292 Computer Processing Time question

           Ticket ID: 5346
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/5346
           Full Name: Robert H Gray
               Email: roberthansengray at gmail.com
             Creator: User
          Department: AIPS Data Processing
       Staff (Owner): -- Unassigned --
                Type: Issue
              Status: Open
            Priority: Default
                 SLA: NRAO E2E
      Template Group: Default
             Created: 11 August 2014 09:33 PM
             Updated: 11 August 2014 09:33 PM
                 Due: 13 August 2014 09:34 PM (2d 0h 0m)
      Resolution Due: 19 August 2014 09:34 PM (8d 0h 0m)


I have a computing question, with regard to VLA14B-292, and am directing to you for expertise in the area, rather than Juergen Ott with whom I’m working more general issues. 
I’m planning to use 16k channels, integrating for 15 min, and doing that at some 30 different fields and frequencies, resulting in some 30 different observations, and I am concerned that the computational load will be unmanageable.  Can you give me some guidance on what computing time might be?  I have looked through a lot of docs, but not found much.

GOST tells me that 2x8192 channels produces 9MB/sec (default dump time 5 sec) or roughly 30GB/hr so call it ~10GB for a 15 minute observation.  How much real time is it likely to take to get to clean images?  I expect to run AIPS task SAD (or something like it in CASA), and would be interested in a timing estimate for that too, but getting to clean images strikes me as the main challenge.

I’m just looking for a source for estimates, maybe based on your experience on guest machines, to gauge whether this is workable—would doing a 1x102 channel observation take hours, days, or weeks on a workstation class machine?  Has it even been done before?

Any guidance you can give me will be much appreciated!

Best wishes,

Bob Gray

Staff CP:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff

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