[daip] failure in installation

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 11 10:58:19 EDT 2014

Dear AIPS users,
While Installing AIPS I am getting the following error messages.
Will you please suggest how to solve this.

COMRPL    : to         -/home/biju/aips/31DEC14/APL/DEV/ZXLX8.FOR
COMRPL    : at least one module FAILED to compile
COMRPL    : Dies of unnatural causes
INSTEP2   : Failure in $APLGEN/...
INSTEP2   : compilations.
INSTEP2   : Aborts!    Mon Aug 11 00:29:41 IST 2014
AipsWiz: Error: INSTEP2 failed, no point in proceeding.
AipsWiz: Error: Look in /home/biju/aips/31DEC14/LNX64/INSTALL to see
AipsWiz: Error: if you can figure out what went wrong.  There are
AipsWiz: Error: many log and list files there.  You may want to do

grep -v ^- *.LIS

AipsWiz: Error: to see what modules did not compile.

AipsWiz: Install Wizard stopping.  Current settings saved in ~/.AIPSRC
AipsWiz: Abandoning ship!  Goodbye.


Did you try the grep recommended above and then look in the INSTEP2.LOG 
file for the files listed to see what went wrong?

But I have a more fundamental question.  Why are you compiling AIPS 
rather than taking a binary version?  The Intel compilers that we 
purchase produce binaries that run faster than those produced by GNU. 
The only really good reason to compile locally is if you plan to write 
your own AIPS programs. Then, of course, you need to be able to compile 
locally.  The binary installation is done with:
       perl install.pl -n
where the -n is for "network".

By the way, inquiries such as this are usually addressed to 
daip at nrao.edu.  Bananas is a list for a large number of folks around the 
world and they normally do not need to concern themselves with
this sort of issue.

Eric Greisen

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