[daip] Fwd: A QUERRY

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Jan 31 11:36:42 EST 2013

Naveen Yadav wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I am analysing an EVLA data set with a 2GHz Bandwidth at 32 GHz. I 
> notice that after the after the
> BPASS I get an amplitude amplitude jump in the RR and LL pols. I expect 
> that the bandpass shape
> to be continuous across the full range. Can you please tell me why am I 
> getting this error?

I showed your plots to one of our experts and he has proposed the 
answer.  If, in POSSM, you set aparm(7)=1 to plot frequencies rather 
than channels, he predicts that the right hand half is the AC portion at 
lower frequencies than the left half (BD).  Thus the right-hand side is 
supposed to be at somewhat large flux.

Eric Greisen

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