[daip] AIPS and BPASS

Yuri Y. Kovalev yyk at asc.rssi.ru
Tue Aug 13 21:31:37 EDT 2013

Dear Eric,

I have started recently to analyze the BPASS application for VLBA data 
in order to make sure that no amplitude shift is introduced in my data 
after BPASS calibration.

Here is an example of how I calculate the complex bpass for the MOJAVE 
2cm VLBA data:
timer=0; calsour='2200+420''
docal 2; bpassprm 0; bpassprm(10) 2; bpassprm(11) 2; bpver 0;clr3nam
gainuse 0;outver 0; bif 0; eif 0;solint -1; smodel 0; doband -1

It seems [can be wrong, still continue analyzing], I do see a shift in 
the amplitude of at least some of my VLBA data by about 5%. It 
apparently depends on the 8/16/32 MHz filter and correlation parameters.
Here are my questions, if I may bother you with them:
- do you see anything clearly wrong in the setup of bpass above?
- after bpass application, I lose the first and last channel in every 
IF. Is it a default behavior of bpass? Why? Can I run bpass and keep 
the first and last channel in every IF? This would indeed be my 

Best regards,

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