[daip] SPLAT

Rob Ivison rji at roe.ac.uk
Mon May 28 03:31:14 EDT 2012

dear Eric,

following the latest MNJ, i cannot SPLAT my calibrated data (it's 
possible other problems may have arisen earlier in the data reduction 
chain, but SPLAT was my first task this morning). the message is 
identical when i try with DOCAL -1 and/or DOPOL -1.



msgsrv o/p:

broom > SPLAT1: Task SPLAT  (release of 31DEC12) begins
broom > SPLAT1: Output file will have   64 channels/IF
broom > SPLAT1: Each  1 channels will be averaged
broom > SPLAT1: Every  1 channels will be output
broom > SPLAT1: UVGET: Using flag table version   1 to edit data
broom > SPLAT1: WARNING: uncalibrated linear polarization data may be a problem
broom > SPLAT1: ZCREAT: INVALID BYTE REQUEST =     -412108
broom > SPLAT1: ZCREAT ERROR     4 FOR HLSJ0918.5  .SPLAT .   1
broom > SPLAT1: Purports to die of UNNATURAL causes
broom > SPLAT1: broom 31DEC12 TST: Cpu=      0.0  Real=      0  IO=  9


AIPS 1: SPLAT     Split/assemble the sources in single/multi source 
AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
AIPS 1: 
AIPS 1: INNAME     'HLS0915.8'             Input UV file name (name)
AIPS 1: INCLASS    '120130'                Input UV file name (class)
AIPS 1: INSEQ         1                    Input UV file name (seq. #)
AIPS 1: INDISK        2                    Input UV file disk unit #
AIPS 1: SOURCES    'HLSJ0918.5'            Source list
AIPS 1:            *rest ' '
AIPS 1: QUAL         -1                    Source qualifier -1=>all
AIPS 1: CALCODE    ' '                     Calibrator code '    '=>all
AIPS 1: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Time range to copy
AIPS 1: STOKES     ' '                     Stokes type to pass.
AIPS 1:                                    Look HELP.
AIPS 1: SELBAND      -1                    Bandwidth to select (kHz)
AIPS 1: SELFREQ      -1                    Frequency to select (MHz)
AIPS 1: FREQID        1                    Freq. ID to select.
AIPS 1: BIF           0                    Lowest IF number 0=>all
AIPS 1: EIF           0                    Highest IF number 0=>all
AIPS 1: BCHAN         1                    Lowest channel number 
AIPS 1: ECHAN        64                    Highest channel number
AIPS 1: SUBARRAY      0                    Subarray, 0=>all
AIPS 1: DOCALIB       1                    > 0 calibrate data & 
AIPS 1:                                    > 99 do NOT calibrate 
AIPS 1: GAINUSE       0                    CL (or SN) table to apply
AIPS 1: DOPOL        -1                    If >0 correct polarization.
AIPS 1: PDVER         0                    PD table to apply (DOPOL>0)
AIPS 1: BLVER        -1                    BL table to apply.
AIPS 1: FLAGVER       0                    Flag table version.
AIPS 1:                                    0 => highest numbered table
AIPS 1:                                    <0 => no flagging
AIPS 1: DOBAND        1                    If >0 apply bandpass cal.
AIPS 1:                                    Method used depends on 
AIPS 1:                                    of DOBAND (see HELP file).
AIPS 1: BPVER         1                    Bandpass table version
AIPS 1: SMOOTH     *all 0                  Smoothing function. See
AIPS 1:                                    HELP SMOOTH for details.
AIPS 1: OUTNAME    'HLSJ0918.5'            Output UV file name (name)
AIPS 1: OUTCLASS   'SPLAT'                 Output UV file name (class)
AIPS 1: OUTSEQ        0                    Output UV file name (seq. 
AIPS 1: OUTDISK       2                    Output UV file disk unit #.
AIPS 1: DOUVCOMP     -1                    1 (T) => compressed data
AIPS 1: APARM         3           0        Control information:
AIPS 1:               0           0          1 = 1 => avg. freq. in IF
AIPS 1:               0           0              Use ICHANSEL.
AIPS 1:               1        *rest 0           CHANNEL is not used
AIPS 1:                                        = 2 => avg IF's also
AIPS 1:                                          Use ICHANSEL.
AIPS 1:                                          CHANNEL is not used
AIPS 1:                                        = 3 => average each
AIPS 1:                                          CHANNEL channels.
AIPS 1:                                          ICHANSEL is not used.
AIPS 1:                                      2 = Input avg. time (sec)
AIPS 1:                                      3 > 0 => Drop subarrays
AIPS 1:                                      5 = 0 pass only xc data
AIPS 1:                                        = 1 pass xc and ac data
AIPS 1:                                        = 2 pass only ac data
AIPS 1:                                      6 > 0 add full source 
AIPS 1:                                            to header
AIPS 1:                                      7 = 0 assemble all 
AIPS 1:                                            sources in one
AIPS 1:                                            multiple source 
AIPS 1:                                        > 0 split for single
AIPS 1:                                            source files.
AIPS 1: ICHANSEL   *all 0                  Array of channel start, 
AIPS 1:                                    and increment numbers and 
AIPS 1:                                    number to be used when
AIPS 1:                                    averaging in frequency.
AIPS 1:                                    It's used if APARM(1)=1 or 
AIPS 1: CHANNEL       1                    Number of chans to average
AIPS 1:                                    together; if APARM(1) = 3
AIPS 1: CHINC         1                    Increment in input chans 
AIPS 1:                                    output 0 -> CHANNEL;
AIPS 1:                                    if APARM(1) = 3
AIPS 1: SOLINT        0.15                 Time of averaging in min.
AIPS 1:                                    0 => no averaging
AIPS 1: BADDISK    *all 0                  Disks to avoid for scratch


AIPS 1: Image=MULTI     (UV)         Filename=HLS0915.8   .120130.   1
AIPS 1: Telescope=EVLA               Receiver=EVLA
AIPS 1: Observer=Prof. Ro            User #=  500
AIPS 1: Observ. date=30-JAN-2012     Map date=22-MAY-2012
AIPS 1: # visibilities    706998     Sort order  TB
AIPS 1:            SOURCE  INTTIM
AIPS 1: 
AIPS 1: Type    Pixels   Coord value     at Pixel     Coord incr 
AIPS 1: COMPLEX      3   1.0000000E+00       1.00  1.0000000E+00 
AIPS 1: STOKES       4  -1.0000000E+00       1.00 -1.0000000E+00 
AIPS 1: FREQ        64   1.8016260E+10       1.00  2.0000000E+06 
AIPS 1: IF          16   1.0000000E+00       1.00  1.0000000E+00 
AIPS 1: RA           1    00 00 00.000       1.00       3600.000 
AIPS 1: DEC          1    00 00 00.000       1.00       3600.000 
AIPS 1: 
AIPS 1: Coordinate equinox 2000.00
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type SU is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type AN is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type FQ is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type NX is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type CD is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type SY is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type OT is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type GC is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type FG is   3
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type WX is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type CL is   4
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type HI is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type SN is   1
AIPS 1: Maximum version number of extension files of type BP is   1
AIPS 1: Keyword = 'MAXABSU '  value = -1.000000E+00


File = HLS0915.8   .120130.   1 Vol = 2  Userid =  500
Freq = 18.016260000 GHz   Ncor =  4   No. vis =    706998
Scan summary listing

Scan      Source      Qual  Calcode Sub         Timerange 
    1 1331+305        : 0000  D        1  0/08:35:11 -   0/08:36:01 
1       1
    2 1331+305        : 0000  Q        1  0/08:47:08 -   0/08:49:46 
1    6517
    3 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/08:55:59 -   0/08:57:08 
1   26173
    4 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/08:57:14 -   0/09:01:01 
1   34723
    5 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:01:07 -   0/09:01:46 
1   62828
    6 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:01:53 -   0/09:05:44 
1   67938
    7 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:05:49 -   0/09:06:28 
1   96408
    8 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:06:34 -   0/09:10:25 
1  101518
    9 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:10:32 -   0/09:11:10 
1  129988
   10 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:11:16 -   0/09:15:07 
1  135098
   11 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:15:13 -   0/09:15:53 
1  163568
   12 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:15:58 -   0/09:19:47 
1  168678
   13 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:19:53 -   0/09:20:31 
1  196783
   14 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:20:38 -   0/09:24:29 
1  201893
   15 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:24:34 -   0/09:25:14 
1  230363
   16 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:25:19 -   0/09:29:10 
1  235473
   17 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:29:17 -   0/09:29:55 
1  263943
   18 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:30:02 -   0/09:33:53 
1  269053
   19 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:33:58 -   0/09:34:38 
1  297523
   20 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:34:43 -   0/09:38:32 
1  302633
   21 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:38:38 -   0/09:39:16 
1  330738
   22 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:39:23 -   0/09:43:14 
1  335848
   23 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:43:20 -   0/09:43:59 
1  364318
   24 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:47:29 -   0/09:48:19 
1  369428
   25 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:48:25 -   0/09:52:17 
1  375944
   26 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:52:23 -   0/09:52:58 
1  404414
   27 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:53:04 -   0/09:56:53 
1  409159
   28 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/09:56:58 -   0/09:57:34 
1  437264
   29 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/09:57:40 -   0/10:01:31 
1  442009
   30 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/10:01:38 -   0/10:02:14 
1  470479
   31 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/10:02:19 -   0/10:06:11 
1  475224
   32 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/10:06:17 -   0/10:06:52 
1  503694
   33 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/10:06:58 -   0/10:10:49 
1  508439
   34 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/10:10:55 -   0/10:11:31 
1  536909
   35 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/10:11:37 -   0/10:15:26 
1  541654
   36 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/10:15:31 -   0/10:16:07 
1  569759
   37 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/10:16:13 -   0/10:20:04 
1  574504
   38 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/10:20:11 -   0/10:20:47 
1  602974
   39 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/10:20:52 -   0/10:24:44 
1  607719
   40 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/10:24:49 -   0/10:25:25 
1  636189
   41 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/10:25:31 -   0/10:29:22 
1  640934
   42 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/10:29:29 -   0/10:30:05 
1  669404
   43 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000           1  0/10:30:10 -   0/10:33:58 
1  674149
   44 J0937+5008      : 0000  D        1  0/10:34:05 -   0/10:34:40 
1  702254

Source summary
Velocity type = 'LSR     '    Definition = 'OPTICAL '

   ID Source           Qual  Calcode RA(2000.0)     Dec(2000.0)  No. 
    1 1331+305        : 0000   D     13:31:08.2880  30:30:32.959 
    3 1331+305        : 0000   Q     13:31:08.2880  30:30:32.959 
    5 J0937+5008      : 0000   D     09:37:12.3274  50:08:52.097 
    6 HLSJ0918.5      : 0000         09:18:28.6000  51:42:23.300 

   ID Source            Freq(GHz) Velocity(Km/s) Rest freq (GHz)
    1 All Sources         18.0163         0.0000          0.0000
      IF(  2)             18.1443         0.0000          0.0000
      IF(  3)             18.2723         0.0000          0.0000
      IF(  4)             18.4003         0.0000          0.0000
      IF(  5)             18.5283         0.0000          0.0000
      IF(  6)             18.6563         0.0000          0.0000
      IF(  7)             18.7843         0.0000          0.0000
      IF(  8)             18.9123         0.0000          0.0000
      IF(  9)             19.0403         0.0000          0.0000
      IF( 10)             19.1683         0.0000          0.0000
      IF( 11)             19.2963         0.0000          0.0000
      IF( 12)             19.4243         0.0000          0.0000
      IF( 13)             19.5523         0.0000          0.0000
      IF( 14)             19.6803         0.0000          0.0000
      IF( 15)             19.8083         0.0000          0.0000
      IF( 16)             19.9363         0.0000          0.0000

Frequency Table summary
FQID IF#      Freq(GHz)      BW(kHz)   Ch.Sep(kHz)  Sideband  Bandcode
    1   1      18.01626000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
        2      18.14426000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
        3      18.27226000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
        4      18.40026000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
        5      18.52826000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
        6      18.65626000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
        7      18.78426000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
        8      18.91226000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
        9      19.04026000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
       10      19.16826000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
       11      19.29626000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
       12      19.42426000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
       13      19.55226000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
       14      19.68026000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
       15      19.80826000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1
       16      19.93626000  128000.0078   2000.0001      1

Scanned by iCritical.

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