[daip] New Ticket - [!CGY-439613]: High RMS Noise

Elijah Bernstein-Cooper do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Fri Jun 1 13:04:49 EDT 2012

New Ticket: High RMS Noise

Dear NRAO Helpdesk,

I have been troubled with the calibration of an HI spectral-line dataset from the EVLA. The observations from project 12A-074 contain 16 spectral windows each 1 MHz wide, covering ~8 MHz in frequency. Imaging from several "successful" calibrations provide an rms noise is ~10X higher than calculated with the EVLA exposure calculator. Below are the steps I have taken to calibrate and image the uv-data from a pipeline that has produced successful calibrations in the past for single IFs. I am concerned that I am missing a step in the calibration to compensate for the multiple IFs. After comparing my calibration to Appendix E of the AIPS cookbook I set aparm(5) = 3 to account for the two basebands, however the noise remained similar to previous calibrations. What additional steps must be taken to account for additional IFs? Does the calibration below accomodate the IFs?

Thanks again for your help through this dataset!

1. UVLOD: load data

   default 'uvlod'; bcount 0;
   ncount 0; 
   datain 'VLADATA:12A_074'; 
   douvcomp -1;
   outna '12A074'; 
   outcl 'UVDATA'; 
   outseq 0;
   outdi 1; 
   doall 1; 
   npoints 0; 


   task 'indxr'; 
   getn 1; 
   infile ''; 
   prtlev 0; 
   cparm 0,0,0.083333;
   bparm 0,0; 

   -->  NOTE: using CPARM(3)=5/60, to match 5-second scan intervals


   default 'listr'; 
   getn 1;
   optype 'scan'; 
   docrt 132;

File = 12A074      .UVDATA.   1 Vol = 1  Userid = 7000
Freq =  1.397696200 GHz   Ncor =  2   No. vis =    744120
Scan summary listing
Scan      Source      Qual  Calcode Sub         Timerange          FrqID   START VIS  END VIS
   1 J0842+1835      : 0000  D        1  0/23:07:08 -   0/23:17:48     1       1      44577
   2 R1/UGC 4685     : 0000           1  0/23:17:57 -   0/23:40:13     1   44578     137943
   3 J0842+1835      : 0000  D        1  0/23:40:22 -   0/23:42:43     1  137944     148122
   4 R1/UGC 4685     : 0000           1  0/23:42:53 -   1/00:05:08     1  148123     241488
   5 J0842+1835      : 0000  D        1  1/00:05:17 -   1/00:07:37     1  241489     251667
   6 R1/UGC 4685     : 0000           1  1/00:07:48 -   1/00:30:07     1  251668     345384
   7 J0842+1835      : 0000  D        1  1/00:30:18 -   1/00:32:33     1  345385     355212
   8 R1/UGC 4685     : 0000           1  1/00:32:43 -   1/00:55:02     1  355213     448929
   9 J0842+1835      : 0000  D        1  1/00:55:13 -   1/00:57:32     1  448930     459108
  10 R1/UGC 4685     : 0000           1  1/00:57:43 -   1/01:19:58     1  459109     552474
  11 J0842+1835      : 0000  D        1  1/01:20:08 -   1/01:22:27     1  552475     562653
  12 R1/UGC 4685     : 0000           1  1/01:22:38 -   1/01:44:53     1  562654     656019
  13 J0842+1835      : 0000  D        1  1/01:45:02 -   1/01:47:22     1  656020     666198
  14 R1/UGC 4685     : 0000           1  1/01:47:33 -   1/01:55:22     1  666199     699192
  15 J0842+1835      : 0000  D        1  1/01:55:33 -   1/01:57:53     1  699193     709371
  16 1331+305=3C286  : 0000  K        1  1/01:58:02 -   1/02:06:17     1  709372     744120
Source summary
Velocity type = '        '    Definition = '        '
  ID Source           Qual  Calcode RA(2000.0)     Dec(2000.0)  No. vis
   1 J0842+1835      : 0000   D     08:42:05.0942  18:35:40.991  115479
   2 R1/UGC 4685     : 0000         08:57:01.0000  13:11:57.000  593892
   3 1331+305=3C286  : 0000   K     13:31:08.2880  30:30:32.959   34749
  ID Source            Freq(GHz) Velocity(Km/s) Rest freq (GHz)
   1 All Sources          1.3977         0.0000          0.0000
     IF(  2)              1.3987         0.0000          0.0000
     IF(  3)              1.3997         0.0000          0.0000
     IF(  4)              1.4007         0.0000          0.0000
     IF(  5)              1.4017         0.0000          0.0000
     IF(  6)              1.4027         0.0000          0.0000
     IF(  7)              1.4037         0.0000          0.0000
     IF(  8)              1.4047         0.0000          0.0000
     IF(  9)              1.3972         0.0000          0.0000
     IF( 10)              1.3982         0.0000          0.0000
     IF( 11)              1.3992         0.0000          0.0000
     IF( 12)              1.4002         0.0000          0.0000
     IF( 13)              1.4012         0.0000          0.0000
     IF( 14)              1.4022         0.0000          0.0000
     IF( 15)              1.4032         0.0000          0.0000
     IF( 16)              1.4042         0.0000          0.0000
Type Q to stop, just hit RETURN to continue                                                       

 localhos  LISTR(31DEC12)   7000     20-MAY-2012  21:42:32    Page    2
File = 12A074      .UVDATA.   1 Vol = 1  Userid = 7000
Frequency Table summary
FQID IF#      Freq(GHz)      BW(kHz)   Ch.Sep(kHz)  Sideband
   1   1       1.39769620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
       2       1.39869620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
       3       1.39969620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
       4       1.40069620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
       5       1.40169620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
       6       1.40269620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
       7       1.40369620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
       8       1.40469620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
       9       1.39719620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
      10       1.39819620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
      11       1.39919620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
      12       1.40019620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
      13       1.40119620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
      14       1.40219620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
      15       1.40319620    1000.0001      7.8125      1
      16       1.40419620    1000.0001      7.8125      1


   task 'prtan'; 
   optype 'scan'; 
   docrt 132; 
                      Location of VLA antennas
                               N18 (20)*
                               N16 (28)*
                               N14 (10)*
                               N12 ( 8)*
                               N10 ( 6)*
                                   (  )
                               N08 ( 1)*
                               N06 (23)*
                               N04 (16)*
                               N02 (22)*
                          *(19) W02  E02 ( 9)*
                        *(25) W04      E04 ( 7)*
                      *(26) W06          E06 ( 2)*
                    *( 5) W08              E08 (12)*
                  *(13) W09                      (  )
                 (  )                          E10 (21)*
              *(14) W12                          E12 (17)*
            *( 4) W14                              E14 (18)*
          *(11) W16                                  E16 (27)*
        *(15) W18                                      E18 ( 3)*

    default 'vlant'; 
    getn 1; 

   --> no antenna correction needed

6.  From log file:

**** SHADOWING is occurring; noted at 10:55:40 (start; flux cal)  
**** Antenna 6 out of services (problems with elevation motor)

7.  Examine PRIMARY CAL data in TVFLG:


**** Primary calibrator, RR:
   tvreset; tvclear;
   task 'tvflg'; default tvflg;
   getn 1; docat -1; 
   dohist -1; sources ''; calcode 'K'; 
   timerang 0; stokes 'RR'; selband -1; 
   selfreq -1; freqid 1; bif 0; eif 0;
   bchan 34; echan 73; antennas 0; 
   baseline 0; uvrange 0; subarray 0; 
   docalib 2; gainuse 0; blver -1;
   flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
   smooth 0; dparm(6)=4; baddisk 0;

   --> all channels flagged for quack scan

**** Primary calibrator, LL:
   tvreset; tvclear;
   task 'tvflg'; default tvflg;
   getn 1; docat -1; 
   dohist -1; sources ''; calcode 'K'; 
   timerang 0; stokes 'LL'; selband -1; 
   selfreq -1; freqid 1; bif 0; eif 0;
   bchan 34; echan 73; antennas 0; 
   baseline 0; uvrange 0; subarray 0; 
   docalib 2; gainuse 0; blver -1; 
   flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
   smooth 0; dparm(6)=4; baddisk 0;

   --> all channels flagged for quack scan


   -Selected 1/02:04:00 - 1/02:05:00 on 1331+305=3C286

   task 'fring'; default fring;
   getn 1; 
   timerang 01 02 04 00 01 02 05 00;  
   calsour ''; 
   calcode 'K';	
   solint 1.05; 

   task 'clcal'; 
   default 'clcal';
   timerang 0; 
   gainuse 0; 
   gainver 0;
   snver 1; 
   inver 1

10. PRTUV:  
    task 'prtuv'; 
    docrt 132; 
    getn 1; 

   -Scan length 5.0 seconds

11. Initial TVFLG.
    -- Apply flags with flagver=0


**** Primary calibrator, RR:

   tvreset; tvclear;
   task 'tvflg'; default tvflg;
   getn 1; docat -1; 
   dohist -1; sources ''; calcode 'K'; 
   timerang 0; stokes 'RR'; selband -1; 
   selfreq -1; freqid 1; bif 1; eif 0;
   bchan 54; echan 73; nchav echan-bchan+1;
   antennas 0; 
   baseline 0; uvrange 0; subarray 0; 
   docalib 2; gainuse 0; blver -1; 
   flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
   smooth 0; dparm(6)=5; baddisk 0;

   -- flagged 

**** Primary calibrator, LL:
   tvreset; tvclear;
   task 'tvflg'; default tvflg;
   getn 1; docat -1; 
   dohist -1; sources ''; calcode 'K'; 
   timerang 0; stokes 'LL'; selband -1; 
   selfreq -1; freqid 1; bif 1; eif 0;
   bchan 54; echan 73; nchav echan-bchan+1;
   antennas 0; 
   baseline 0; uvrange 0; subarray 0; 
   docalib 2; gainuse 0; blver -1; 
   flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
   smooth 0; dparm(6)=5; baddisk 0;

   -- flagged

**** Phase calibrator, RR:
   tvreset; tvclear;
   task 'tvflg'; default tvflg;
   getn 1; docat -1; 
   dohist -1; sources ''; calcode 'D'; 
   timerang 0; stokes 'RR'; selband -1; 
   selfreq -1; freqid 1; bif 1; eif 0;
   bchan 54; echan 73; nchav echan-bchan+1;
   antennas 0; 
   baseline 0; uvrange 0; subarray 0; 
   docalib 2; gainuse 0; blver -1; 
   flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
   smooth 0; dparm(6)=5; baddisk 0;

   -- flagged

**** Phase calibrator, LL:
   tvreset; tvclear;
   task 'tvflg'; default tvflg;
   getn 1; docat -1; 
   dohist -1; sources ''; calcode 'D'; 
   timerang 0; stokes 'LL'; selband -1; 
   selfreq -1; freqid 1; bif 1; eif 0;
   bchan 54; echan 73; nchav echan-bchan+1;
   antennas 0; 
   baseline 0; uvrange 0; subarray 0; 
   docalib 2; gainuse 0; blver -1; 
   flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
   smooth 0; dparm(6)=5; baddisk 0;

   -- flagged

   tvreset; tvclear;
   task 'tvflg'; default tvflg;
   getn 1; docat -1; calcode '-cal'; 
   dohist -1; sources ''; 
   timerang 0; stokes 'RR'; selband -1; 
   selfreq -1; freqid 1; bif 1; eif 0;
   bchan 54; echan 73; nchav echan-bchan+1;
   antennas 0; 
   baseline 0; uvrange 0; subarray 0; 
   docalib 2; gainuse 0; blver -1; 
   flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
   smooth 0; dparm(6)=5; baddisk 0;

   --> flagged

   tvreset; tvclear;
   task 'tvflg'; default tvflg;
   getn 1; docat -1; calcode '-cal'; 
   dohist -1; sources ''; 
   timerang 0; stokes 'LL'; selband -1; 
   selfreq -1; freqid 1; bif 1; eif 0;
   bchan 54; echan 73; nchav echan-bchan+1;
   antennas 0; 
   baseline 0; uvrange 0; subarray 0; 
   docalib 2; gainuse 0; blver -1; 
   flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
   smooth 0; dparm(6)=5; baddisk 0;
   --> flagged

12.  SPFLG - edit line UV data using the TV display and cursor

======>> Primary CAL, RR: 

    task 'spflg'; default spflg; tvreset; tvclear;
    getn 1; sources ''; calcode 'K'; timerang 0;
    stokes 'RR'; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
    freqid -1; bif 1; eif 0; bchan 1; echan 0;
    antenn 0; baseli 0; docat -1; 
    uvrange 0; subarray 0; docalib 2; gainuse 0;
    dopol -1; blver -1; flagver 0; outfgver 0;
    doband -1; bpver -1; smooth 0; 
    dparm 0; antennas 0; 
    baddisk 0; dparm(6)=5; go

    --> flagged 

======>> Primary CAL, LL: 

    task 'spflg'; default spflg; tvreset; tvclear;
    getn 1; sources ''; calcode 'K'; timerang 0;
    stokes 'LL'; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
    freqid -1; bif 1; eif 0; bchan 1; echan 0;
    antenn 0; baseli 0; docat -1; 
    uvrange 0; subarray 0; docalib 2; gainuse 0;
    dopol -1; blver -1; flagver 0; outfgver 0;
    doband -1; bpver -1; smooth 0; 
    dparm 0; antennas 0; 
    baddisk 0; dparm(6)=5; go

    --> flagged

======>> Phase CAL, RR: 
    task 'spflg'; default spflg; tvreset; tvclear;
    getn 1; sources ''; calcode 'd'; timerang 0;
    stokes 'RR'; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
    freqid -1; bif 1; eif 0; bchan 1; echan 0;
    antenn 0; baseli 0; docat -1; 
    uvrange 0; subarray 0; docalib 2; gainuse 0;
    dopol -1; blver -1; flagver 0; outfgver 0;
    doband -1; bpver -1; smooth 0; 
    dparm 0; antennas 0; 
    baddisk 0; dparm(6)=5; go

    --> flagged

======>> Phase CAL, LL: 
    task 'spflg'; default spflg; tvreset; tvclear;
    getn 1; sources ''; calcode 'D'; timerang 0;
    stokes 'LL'; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
    freqid -1; bif 1; eif 0; bchan 1; echan 0;
    antenn 0; baseli 0; docat -1; 
    uvrange 0; subarray 0; docalib 2; gainuse 0;
    dopol -1; blver -1; flagver 0; outfgver 0;
    doband -1; bpver -1; smooth 0; 
    dparm 0; antennas 0; 
    baddisk 0; dparm(6)=5; go

    --> flagged

=====>> Source, RR  IFs 1-8---- 

    task 'spflg'; default spflg; tvreset; tvclear;
    getn 1; sources ''; calcode '-cal'; timerang 0;
    stokes 'RR'; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
    freqid -1; bif 1; eif 8; bchan 1; echan 0;
    antenn 0; baseli 0; docat -1; 
    uvrange 0; subarray 0; docalib 2; gainuse 0;
    dopol -1; blver -1; flagver 0; outfgver 0;
    doband -1; bpver -1; smooth 0; 
    dparm 0; antennas 0;
    baddisk 0; dparm(6)=5; go

    -->  flagged

=====>> Source, LL  IFs 1-8---- 

    task 'spflg'; default spflg; tvreset; tvclear;
    getn 1; sources ''; calcode '-cal'; timerang 0;
    stokes 'LL'; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
    freqid -1; bif 1; eif 8; bchan 1; echan 0;
    antenn 0; baseli 0; docat -1; 
    uvrange 0; subarray 0; docalib 2; gainuse 0;
    dopol -1; blver -1; flagver 0; outfgver 0;
    doband -1; bpver -1; smooth 0; 
    dparm 0; antennas 0;
    baddisk 0; dparm(6)=5; go

    -->  flagged

=====>> Source, RR IFs 9-16---

    task 'spflg'; default spflg; tvreset; tvclear;
    getn 1; sources ''; calcode '-cal'; timerang 0;
    stokes 'RR'; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
    freqid -1; bif 9; eif 16; bchan 1; echan 0;
    antenn 0; baseli 0; docat -1; 
    uvrange 0; subarray 0; docalib 2; gainuse 0;
    dopol -1; blver -1; flagver 0; outfgver 0;
    doband -1; bpver -1; smooth 0; 
    dparm 0; antennas 0;
    baddisk 0; dparm(6)=5; go

    --> flagged

=====>> Source, LL IFs 9-16---

    task 'spflg'; default spflg; tvreset; tvclear;
    getn 1; sources ''; calcode '-cal'; timerang 0;
    stokes 'LL'; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
    freqid -1; bif 9; eif 16; bchan 1; echan 0;
    antenn 0; baseli 0; docat -1; 
    uvrange 0; subarray 0; docalib 2; gainuse 0;
    dopol -1; blver -1; flagver 0; outfgver 0;
    doband -1; bpver -1; smooth 0; 
    dparm 0; antennas 0;
    baddisk 0; dparm(6)=5; go

    -->  flagged

--> Highest FG table version # = 

13. POSSM; examine bandpasses & identify reliable sections
    -- Using antennas 09, 19, 22 (center of array) for BPASS examination
    -- Examined each IF
    tvreset;  tvclear;
    task 'possm'; default 'possm' 
    getn 1; 
    source '';
    calcode 'K'; 
    stokes '';
    bif 16; eif 16; 
    bchan 0; echan 0;
    dotv 1; 
    nplots 9; 
    anten 09,19,22; 
    baseline 0;
    docal 1; 
    aparm 1,0; 

    Reliable sections:
    --> IFs 2-6 and 10-15, channels 15-115


    task 'bpass'; default 'bpass';
    getn 1; 
    docal 1; 
    solint 0; 
    calcode 'K';
    calsour ''; 
    ichansel 15,115,1,2,15,115,1,3,15,115,1,4,15,115,1,5,15,115,1,6,15,115,1,7,15,115,1,10,15,115,1,11,15,115,1,12,15,115,1,13,15,115,1,14,15,115,1,15;

15.  POSSM - examine bandpasses again, after BPASS has executed.  

    tvreset;  tvclear;
    task 'possm'; default 'possm' 
    getn 1; 
    source '';
    calcode 'K'; 
    stokes ''; 
    bchan 0; echan 0;
    dotv 1; 
    nplots 9; 
    anten 09,19,22; 
    baseline 0;
    docal 1; 
    aparm 1,0; 
    doband 3; 

16. SETJY:  MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT calcode = '' (is blank)

    task 'setjy'; default 'setjy';
    getn 1; 
    sources '1331+305=3C286';
    qual -1;  
    bif 0; eif 0;  
    zerosp 0; 
    optype 'CALC';  
    calcode '';  
    sysvel 0; 
    restfreq 0;  
    veltyp '';  
    veldef ''; 
    aparm 0;  

    -->  output:

FREQ( 1) =   1.397692 GHz
FREQ( 2) =   1.398692 GHz
FREQ( 3) =   1.399692 GHz
FREQ( 4) =   1.400692 GHz
FREQ( 5) =   1.401692 GHz
FREQ( 6) =   1.402692 GHz
FREQ( 7) =   1.403692 GHz
FREQ( 8) =   1.404692 GHz
FREQ( 9) =   1.397192 GHz
FREQ(10) =   1.398192 GHz
FREQ(11) =   1.399192 GHz
FREQ(12) =   1.400192 GHz
FREQ(13) =   1.401192 GHz
FREQ(14) =   1.402192 GHz
FREQ(15) =   1.403192 GHz
FREQ(16) =   1.404192 GHz
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  1 flux =14.8675 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  2 flux =14.8625 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  3 flux =14.8576 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  4 flux =14.8527 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  5 flux =14.8477 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  6 flux =14.8428 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  7 flux =14.8379 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  8 flux =14.8330 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF =  9 flux =14.8700 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF = 10 flux =14.8650 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF = 11 flux =14.8601 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF = 12 flux =14.8551 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF = 13 flux =14.8502 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF = 14 flux =14.8453 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF = 15 flux =14.8403 (Jy calcd)
'1331+305=3C286  ' IF = 16 flux =14.8354 (Jy calcd)

   task 'LISTR'; default 'listr'; 
   getn 1; 
   optype 'scan'; 
   docrt 132; 

17.  CALRD - read in a calibrator FITS image file

     task 'calrd';
     object '3c286'; 
     band 'L'; 

18. CALIB:  first, information on calibrators:


      The following rules must be carefully followed to ensure proper
flux bootstrapping in the combinations of array scale and band noted
below.  For the hybrid configurations (BnA, CnB, DnC) the rule for the
more compact configuration should be adopted (i.e. follow B config
rules for BnA).  When specifying inner antennas to be used for the
calibration solution, no antenna on the North arm further out than on
the East or West arms should be used.  Finally, it is a good idea to
set WTUV = 0.1 in CALIB to ensure a stable solution.

                                            NUMBER OF
            (cm)      (Kl)                  (per arm)
3C48/3C147   20       0-40        A             7
                       "        B,C,D          All

3C286      20       0-18            A              4
                     "            B,C,D           All
                   90-180           A             All     Reduce flux by 6%

---> UVRANGE for 3c286 is 0-18 for B,C,D arrays

--->> flux cal = no UV restrictions

--> NO UVRANGE restrictions on flux cal

    task 'calib'; default 'calib'; 
    getn 1;
    get2n 2; 
    calcode 'K';  
    qual -1;
    timerang 0; 
    uvrange 0 18;
    docal 1; 
    doband 3; 
    solin 0; 
    nmaps 1;
    calsour '1331+305=3C286'; 
    ichansel 15,115,1,2,15,115,1,3,15,115,1,4,15,115,1,5,15,115,1,6,15,115,1,7,15,115,1,10,15,115,1,11,15,115,1,12,15,115,1,13,15,115,1,14,15,115,1,15
    snver 2; 

    --> Found 700 good solutions

    tvrest; tvclear
    default 'edita'
    getn 1
    inext 'sn'
    invers 2
    bif 13; eif 13;
19. CALIB on phase cals:
    clr2name; nmaps 0; 
    uvrange 0;
    calsour ''; 
    calcode 'D';

    --> output:

Found         5420 good solutions
               258 solutions had no data
Average closure rms =  0.00114 +-  0.00016
Fraction of times having data >  2.5 rms from solution
0.19906 of the times had  0 -  2 percent outside  2.5 times rms


    default 'getjy';  
    getn 1;  
    source 'J0842+1835';
    calcode '*';  
    snver 2;
    calsour '1331+305=3C286';  
    bif 0; eif 0;

    --> output:

Calibrator robust averaging used    700 of    700 gain samples
   Source:Qual      CALCODE IF  Flux (Jy)
J0842+1835      :  0   D     1    1.05776 +/-   0.00299  0.00559
                             2    1.06014 +/-   0.00302  0.00453
                             3    1.05707 +/-   0.00289  0.00289
                             4    1.05799 +/-   0.00298  0.00427
                             5    1.05720 +/-   0.00296  0.00403
                             6    1.05795 +/-   0.00312  0.00419
                             7    1.05922 +/-   0.00293  0.00558
                             8    1.05612 +/-   0.00292  0.00292
                             9    1.06127 +/-   0.00298  0.00346
                            10    1.06280 +/-   0.00282  0.00572
                            11    1.06216 +/-   0.00310  0.00310
                            12    1.06275 +/-   0.00294  0.00387
                            13    1.06061 +/-   0.00295  0.00496
                            14    1.06032 +/-   0.00268  0.00305
                            15    1.06113 +/-   0.00310  0.00555
                            16    1.06040 +/-   0.00292  0.00377
   Source:Qual    CALCODE    used   total     bad used  tot  bad
J0842+1835      :  0 D       5420    5420       0  686  700    9

    --> Calibrator manual: 1.26 Jy at L-band in August 2001


    task 'clcal';
    default 'clcal'; 
    getn 1; 
    calcode '*';
    snver 2; 
    invers snver; 


Maximum version number of extension files of type HI is   1
Maximum version number of extension files of type FQ is   1
Maximum version number of extension files of type AN is   1
Maximum version number of extension files of type SU is   1
Maximum version number of extension files of type WX is   1
Maximum version number of extension files of type CL is   3
Maximum version number of extension files of type NX is   1
Maximum version number of extension files of type FG is  12
Maximum version number of extension files of type SN is   2
Maximum version number of extension files of type BP is   1

--> CL table, version 3, written by CLCAL

22.  LISTR:  print outputs for phase cals.  Amplitudes should be roughly constant, 
              while phases should be blose to zero.

    Task 'LISTR'; 
    getn 1; 
    Optype 'matx'; 
    Inext 'SN';  
    Inver 0;   
    Sources ''; 
    Calcode 'D';  
    Timerang 0;  
    Stokes ''; 
    Selband -1;  
    Selfreq -1;  
    Freqid 1; 
    Bif 13; Eif bif;  
    Bchan 1; Echan 0; 
    Antennas 0;  
    Baseline 0;  
    Uvrange 0; 
    Subarray 0;  
    Docalib 2;  
    Gainuse 0; 
    Dopol -1;  
    Blver -1;  
    flagver 0; 
    Doband 3;  
    Bpver 1;  
    Smooth 0; 
    Dparm 5,1,0;   
    doacor 0;  
    Factor 0; 
    Docrt -1;  
    baddisk 0;
    Outprint 'VLADATA:12A074.cal1.test.dat'; 

--> some baselines with +/- 10deg phase offsets on various scans, but calibration looks stable otherwise!

23.  REWAY - replaces SPLIT, applies calibration and attempts to get the 
     data weighting correct.  Following suggestions in the EVLA guide for
     now, will want to experiment with these assumptions later.

     task 'reway'; default 'reway'; 
     getn 1;
     docal 1; 
     doband 3;
     source ''; 
     calcode '-cal';
     aparm 11,30,12,0,10,4;
     calcode '-cal'; 
     bpver 0; 
     outname '12A074';
     outclass 'RESPLT';

     --> output: 3 7001 12A074      .RESPLT.    1 UV 31-MAY-2012 15:42:40

-- Note on aparm: to use a rolling buffer of 11 times separated by no
   more than 30 seconds and then smoothed further with a Gaussian 12
   seconds in FWHM. Data are flagged if the rms is more than 4 times
   the variance away from the mean averaged over all baselines, IFs,
   and polarizations. Flagging on the variance of the rms from the
   mean on a baseline basis is essentially turned off by the 10.
-- This is the suggestion from APPENDIX E of the AIPS COOKBOOK

24. UVCOP - extract spectral window 13 from calibrated target source uv-dataset

     task 'uvcop'; default 'uvcop';
     getn 3; 
     outname inname; 
     outclass 'SPT_13';
     bif 13;
     eif 13;
     sources 'R1/UGC 4685';
     inp; go;
     --> output: 4 7001 12A074      .SPT_13.    1 UV 31-MAY-2012 16:05:44

25. IMAGR - image split spectral window

     task 'imagr'; default 'imagr'; 
     getn 4;
     sources ''; qual -1; calcode ''; 
     timerang 0; selband -1; selfreq -1; 
     freqid -1; subarray 0;
     baseline 0; docalib -1; 
     gainuse 0; dopol -1; blver -1; 
     flagver 0; doband -1; bpver -1; 
     smooth 0; stokes '';
     channel 0; nchav 0; 
     chinc 1; 
     bif 0; eif 0;
     bchan 0; echan 0;
     outname 'UGC4685'; 
     cellsi 4;
     imsize 1024;
     niter 0;
     wgauss 0; fgauss 0; 
     ngauss 1;
     uvtaper 0; 
     dotv -1;
     overlap =0;
     imagrprm(11) 0;
     boxfile ''; oboxfile '';
     flux 0
     robust 0.5; 

     outdisk 1;
     outclass '';
     outseq 0; outver 0; clr2na; 
     nfield 1; 
     do3dimag -1; fldsize 0; rashift 0; 
     uvrange 0 0; guard 0 0;
     rotate 0; zerosp 0; uvwtfn ''; 
     uvsize 0 0; uvbox 0;  
     uvbxfn 1; xtype 5; ytype 5; xparm 0;  
     yparm 0;  bcomp 0; 
     allokay 0; nboxes 0; clbox 0;  
     gain 0.1; 
     minpatch 51; bmaj 0; 
     bmin 0; bpa 0; overlap 0; phat 0;
     factor 0; cmethod ''; imagrprm 0;
     maxpixel 20000; clr3na; clr4na; 
     fqtol -1; 
     grchan 0; 
     baddisk 0; 

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CGY-439613
Department: AIPS Data Processing
Priority: Default
Status: Open
Link:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=1835

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