[daip] AIPS Install Issue : 31DEC2011

Stuart Weston stuart.weston at aut.ac.nz
Wed Feb 29 20:58:58 EST 2012

Our install was a bit old and "stopped" working complaining about "cannot open libsvml.so". I removed the whole directory tree for the old version. Not worried about loosing data.

Any way decided to re-install with 31DEC2011. We do not have the icc/ifort compilers but gcc and g77.

Get to screen 10 and change compilers and options.

===================== AIPS 31DEC11 Install Wizard=====================

Screen 10: Advanced Settings
In general, the default settings for these advanced options will be OK.
Please review the settings, and then decide if you want to change them.

        Fortran settings are in $SYSLOCAL/FDEFAULT.SH
        C settings are in $SYSLOCAL/CCOPTS.SH, and
        Link settings are stored in $SYSLOCAL/LDOPTS.SH

Current settings of advanced parameters:

FORTRAN Compiler: /usr/bin/g77 (default /opt/intel/fce/10.1.021/bin/ifort)
     and options: -c -w90 -w95 -cm -ip -save -align all
default options: -c -axWPT -w90 -w95 -cm -ip -save -align all
          Linker: /usr/bin/g77 (default /opt/intel/fce/10.1.021/bin/ifort)
      C Compiler: /usr/bin/gcc (default /opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/074/bin/intel64/icc)
     and options: -c -O3 -ip -I/storage/shared/astsw/AIPS/31DEC11/INC -D_FILE_\
default options: -c -O3 -ip -axWPT -I/storage/shared/astsw/AIPS/31DEC11/INC -\
Readline Library: /storage/shared/astsw/AIPS/31DEC11/LNX64/LIBR/GNU/libreadline.a
  Debug Libs too: NO

         [You may also type B for back, or Q to Quit]

AipsWiz: ===> [M]odify or [A]ccept (default Accept):

Taken out "-axWPT" as g77 & gcc won't like that.

It errors as till trying to use "-axWPT":

AipsWiz: ==> Press <ENTER> after you have verified FDEFAULT.SH::
AipsWiz:  =====> Compile Utility Programs (if needed) in /storage/shared/astsw/AIPS/31DEC11/LNX64/SYSTEM/IRASR...
AipsWiz:         - found existing F2PS program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing F2TEXT program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing NEWEST program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing PRINTENV program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing AIPWD program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing REVENV program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:         - found existing PP.EXE program; assume it's ok.
AipsWiz:  =====> Make the XAS TV Server from source if needed...
AipsWiz: XAS.SHR appears to be already unpacked.
AipsWiz: About to try to make XAS...

rm -f *.o xas XAS
/usr/bin/gcc  -D_BSD -DUSE_SHM -O2 -axWPT -c xas.c
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-axWPT"
make: *** [xas.o] Error 1
AipsWiz: Error: Failed to build the XAS program.
AipsWiz: Error: This means no AIPS TV will be available.
AipsWiz: ==> Press <ENTER> to acknowledge::

Any ideas ?

Stuart Weston

Mobile: 021 713062
Skype: stuart.d.weston
Email:  stuart.weston at aut.ac.nz<mailto:stuart.weston at aut.ac.nz>

Software Engineer
Institute for Radio Astronomy & Space Research (IRASR)
School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Creative Technologies
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.

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