[daip] New Ticket - [!PBI-407366]: Installation problems

Aya Higuchi do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Tue May 24 13:49:55 EDT 2011

New Ticket: Installation problems

I cannot install the AIPS (31DEC11) in my Macbook Air 11 inch. 
The error messages are as follows.
Sorry, I'm not sure about the technical things, but I installed the software to fulfill the requirements written in Mac Installation pages before installation.
If you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know.

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cp: MACINT/SYSTEM/MASTER/aips: No such file or directory
AipsWiz:         -- done.
The AIPS Midnight Job is a way to keep your AIPS
AipsWiz: installation up to date.  It is secure, relatively
AipsWiz: easy, and can be done on demand or in a cron job
AipsWiz: (i.e. periodically, daily or weekly or whenever).
AipsWiz: It does require that you have the cvs software
AipsWiz: package installed on your system.

AipsWiz: This script will set up the infrastructure for you
AipsWiz: to be *able* to run the Midnight Job (MNJ), but you
AipsWiz: have the power to make it run or not.

AipsWiz: About to run 'MAKE.BMNJ '...
AipsWiz: This will generate a fair bit of output.
sh: /usr/local/aips/31DEC11/UNKNOWN/SYSTEM/CDVER.SH: No such file or directory
AipsWiz: Not good; no /usr/local/aips/31DEC11/MACINT/SYSTEM/AYAMOMOMO/UPDCONFIG found; did MAKE.BMNJ fail?
AipsWiz: You should investigate this.
AipsWiz: ==> Press <ENTER> to acknowledge:: 
AipsWiz:  =====> Generate system files via FILAIP/POPSGN...
AipsWiz: This will generate some output, including a copyright (left)
AipsWiz: statement and some prompts, but should end with a 'Done!' if
AipsWiz: everything worked...

AipsWiz: About to run FILAIP.  If this is a re-installation, you
AipsWiz: will be prompted for an AIPS Manager password.  The
AipsWiz: default password is AMANAGER

Cannot find /usr/local/aips/31DEC11/UNKNOWN/LOAD/FILAIP.EXE
AipsWiz: Error: FILAIP did not work, or there's a missing file!
AipsWiz: Error: This may mean that FILAIP did not work (it should have
AipsWiz: Error: created it and many other files in that area).
AipsWiz: Error: You can try running it by hand after (a) dotting the
AipsWiz: Error: LOGIN.SH file or sourcing the LOGIN.CSH file; and
AipsWiz: Error: (b) Typing 'RUN FILAIP'.  You will then be asked for
AipsWiz: Error: two parameters.  Use
8 2

AipsWiz: Error: as the standard values.
AipsWiz: Error: You will also have to RUN POPSGN if that works;

AipsWiz: Error: Feed it


AipsWiz: Error: when it asks for Idebug, etc. and press RETURN when
AipsWiz: Error: you see the '>' prompt.

AipsWiz: Install Wizard stopping.  Current settings saved in ~/.AIPSRC
AipsWiz: Abandoning ship!  Goodbye.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PBI-407366
Department: AIPS Data Processing
Priority: Default
Status: Open
Link:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=836

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